Product Administration Guide > Mapping eConfigurator 6.x Features to Release 7.x >

Designing the Catalog

The tree structure of catalogs and items in 6.x maps in release 7.x to a hierarchy of relationships within the customizable product. A relationship is roughly equivalent to a category and functions as a named group that contains one or more items. Table 2 maps 6.x features to 7.x for designing a catalog.

Table 2. Designing the Catalog
Release 6.x
Release 7.x
Design a tree structure
Create a hierarchy of relationships within a customizable product.
The hierarchy defines component relationships rather than being a grouping mechanism.
Relationship definition includes cardinality (maximum quantity, minimum quantity, default quantity).
Create a category
Create a relationship.
A relationship is a named part of a customizable product. Relationships contain one or more items.
Add a product to a catalog
Add a product to a relationship.
Set item sequence in a catalog
Set sequence of items in Product Designer and sequence of group in Product UI Designer.
Hide items in the catalog
Can hide an item by not adding it to a UI group in the Product UI Designer.
All products included in a customizable product, plus all attributes, resources, and links can be made visible to users.
Show all excluded items
Select UI control in Product UI designer that displays all items.
Excluded items are unavailable.
Create virtual product
Replaced with hidden attributes.
Virtual product functionality can be created by defining product attributes and then marking them hidden. Hidden attributes do not appear in quotes, orders, or agreements.

 Product Administration Guide, Version 7.5 
 Published: 18 April 2003