Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Troubleshooting Remote and Replication Manager > Synchronization Manager >

FAQ: What to Do with an Initialization or Synchronization Problem

  1. Look in the <SiebelClientInstall>\log directory for files:
  2. Find the error message in the LOG file.
  3. With error messages, search this troubleshooting chapter and SupportWeb.
  4. If this does not help resolve the problem, follow How to Set Client-Side Logging to obtain additional information in the LOG file.
  5. Does the additional information help to resolve the problem (troubleshooting chapter and SuppportWeb)?

  6. If not, log a Service Request and send the *.log information with the additional trace information (Step 4) to

 Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003