Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Getting Started >

How the Siebel Application and Actuate Interact

In Siebel Web Client, the report instance is obtained by the client in DHTML rather than ROI format, and the report is viewed using a Web browser child window. In Siebel Mobile Web Client, the Actuate Viewer is called the Siebel Report Viewer.

NOTE:  The Siebel Report Viewer does not allow configuring of the menu items on the actual viewer.

The current business object (obtained from the view) and the current query create a context that determines which data is sent to the report. In Mobile Web Client reporting mode in Windows, the data is passed through variables across the interface between the Siebel application and the embedded Actuate viewer, and it is accessed using methods in the report design. In Web Client reporting mode, the object interface is between the Object Manager and the Reports Server.

When the user chooses the report from the Reports Server tab, a corresponding report executable (ROX file) is invoked locally and the resulting instance (ROI file) is displayed. When the user is running a report from Siebel Web Client, the report executable is invoked on the Reports Server at the appropriate time, and the instance is stored on the Reports Server. It may also be obtained automatically from the Reports Server for local display, depending on the environment and the user's request.

Each menu option available in the view exists because a view report object definition is present as a child of the view object definition. Each view report object definition references a report object definition, which in turn references a report name. This is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5.  Implementation of Menu Options in a View

Click for full size image

The reports available for execution by the Siebel application, in ROX format, are stored by locale in C:\Siebel_client\reports\language_code.

The language code is that of the current locale, specified in the CFG file used in invoking the application. For example, U.S. English report executables are in C:\Siebel\reports\enu, and this is the directory from which identified report executables are obtained when U.S. English is the current language; that is, the Language parameter in the application's CFG file is unspecified or set to ENU. Additional locale-specific report executables reside in distinct directories, one directory per locale. For example, a \deu folder contains German-language report executables.

 Siebel Reports Administration Guide, Version 7.5, Rev B 
 Published: 18 April 2003