Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Smart Reports >


A thermometer is a partially filled rectangle graph in the dashboard section of a Smart Report. Figure 29 shows the parts of a typical thermometer. The parts are the trigger label, the mercury level, and the thermometer label.

Figure 29.  Parts of a Thermometer

Click for full size image

A thermometer frame is derived from the ssThermometer component in the ssSmart.rol library by subclassing. Most of the functionality required for implementing a thermometer is already defined in the ssThermometer library component. A custom thermometer can be defined by adding an ssThermometer component to a frame in a report section; configuring three properties; and writing code to calculate four values and pass them, by way of global variables, to methods in the parent component.

The three properties to configure in the thermometer component are the following:

The four parameters that are passed to the ssThermometer library component are the following:

These four values are passed in the OnRow method in the thermometer component. They are passed, by way of global variables defined in the report design (top-level) object, to the corresponding method in the parent library thermometer, ssThermometer. The thermometer is drawn based on these four parameters and on the text and color properties specified in the thermometer component.

Much of the effort in configuring a thermometer lies in obtaining values for the minimum, maximum, and trigger from all records, and for the data value from the current record. The thermometer must also be positioned as a flow in the dashboard subpage. These configuration issues are explained in separate subsections.

 Siebel Reports Administration Guide, Version 7.5, Rev B 
 Published: 18 April 2003