Siebel Server Administration Guide > Siebel Server Infrastructure Administration > Administering the Siebel File System >

Using the Siebel File System Cleanup Utility

The Siebel File System Cleanup Utility is a command-line utility, named sfscleanup.exe, located in the bin subdirectory within the Siebel Server root directory. Sfscleanup.exe will process every file in the file attachment directory and perform one of several operations to each file depending on the file type and the parameters that you set. For descriptions of the run-time parameters that you can set when running sfscleanup.exe, see Table 11. For descriptions of the file types and the associated operation that will be performed by sfscleanup.exe during processing, see Table 12.

To cleanup the file attachment directory using sfscleanup.exe

  1. At the command prompt, change directory to the bin subdirectory within the Siebel Server root directory.
  2. Run sfscleanup.exe using the parameters listed in Table 11 as shown in the following example:
  3. sfscleanup /u sadmin /p secret /f \\server1\files /x \\server1\logs\sfscleanup.log

Table 11. Sfscleanup.exe Parameters
Username ID.
Username password.
ODBC data source
Set this value to the ODBC data source. Default value is set to the environment variable, SIEBEL_DATA_SOURCE.
Siebel table owner
Set this value to the Siebel table owner. Default value is set to the environment variable, SIEBEL_TABLE_OWNER.
Path for file directory
Set this value to the path for the file attachment directory. Do not append att to the file attachment directory path.
Path for output file
Set this value to the path for the output file.
Path for move directory
Set this value to the path for the directory where discarded files will be moved.
Remove old revisions
Determines if old versions of file attachments will be removed. To remove old versions, set this value to Y. Default value is N.

If you specified an output file using the /x parameter, sfscleanup.exe will generate a log file listing the operations that were performed. The output file is a tab-delimited text file that contains the following columns:

 Siebel Server Administration Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. C 
 Published: 18 April 2003