Application Services Interface Reference > Application Services Interfaces (ASI) > Integration Objects >

List of Value Fields

Fields can map to a Siebel predefined List of Values (LOV). The fields in the integration components that are based off such fields can take values only from that list—the fields are bound to the values of that LOV. For example, in Figure 5, PersonalAddressState can map to an LOV of the different states in the U.S. (such as AZ, CA, FL, and so on).

These LOV fields should use a language-independent representation. For each LOV field, the internal integration object returns a Language Independent Code (LIC) if the user property AllLangIndependentVals is set to Y at the object level.

The integration object can expose the Siebel LIC or map the field to an industry standard code.

 Application Services Interface Reference 
 Published: 15 May 2003