Application Services Interface Reference


How This Guide Is Organized

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What Are ASIs?

Benefits of Using ASIs

Types of ASIs

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Application Services Interfaces (ASI)

ASI Structure

Integration Objects

Components and Fields

List of Value Fields

Picking Related Components

Unique Keys

Data Synchronization Services

Data Mapping


ASIs and Universal Application Network

Exposing ASIs With Interface Technologies

ASIs and Web Services


Error Handling

Authentication and Security

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Administering Application Services Interfaces

Using ASIs

Configuring ASIs

Deactivating Components and Fields

Real Time and Asynchronous Processing

User Scenarios

Deactivating Fields

Exposing an Inbound ASI

Specifying an Implementation

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Customizing an Application Services Interface

ASI Framework

Customizing Workflows

Building Customized Interfaces Using the ASI Framework

User Scenarios

Extending an ASI

Defining an Outbound ASI

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Predefined Application Service Interfaces

Prebuilt ASIs

Siebel Account/External Account

Siebel Account (UAN)

Siebel Asset

Siebel Class

Siebel Configurable Product

Siebel Contact/External Contact

Siebel Contact (UAN)

Siebel Cost List

Siebel Employee/External Employee

Siebel Expense Report

Siebel Forecast

Siebel Household/External Household

Siebel Inventory Location

Siebel Inventory Transaction

Siebel Invoice

External Opportunity Create/External Opportunity Query/External Opportunity Update

ANI Opportunity Message

ANI Message Header


Destination Channel Partner

Source Organization

Opportunity Account

Siebel Order/External Order

Siebel Position/External Position

Siebel Price List

Siebel Product Catalog

Siebel Quote/External Quote

Siebel ATP Response/External ATP Check

External Credit Check

Credit Check Request

Credit Check Response

External Shipment Tracking

Shipment Tracking Interface Request

Shipment Tracking Interface Response

Siebel SAP Account

Siebel Service Request

External Shopping Cart Create

Siebel Simple Product

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Siebel Financial Services ASIs

Prebuilt Financial Services ASIs


Claims Notice of Loss

Claims Payment Information

Account Origination

Check Order Request Interface

Application Processing Interface

Request Application Processing Interface

Request Application Processing Response Interface

Application Status Interface

Request Application Status Interface

Request Application Status Response Interface

Credit Score Interface

Credit Score Request Interface

Credit Score Response Interface

Fraud Check Interface

Fraud Check Request Interface

Fraud Check Response Interface

Fund Verification Interface

Request Create Account Interface

Request Create Account Update ID Interface

Customer Relationship

Contact Financial Account Interface

Contact Financial Account Update ID Interface

Contact Financial Brokerage Account Interface

Contact Financial Brokerage Account ID Update Interface

Auto Policy

Auto Policy Interface

Service Management

Create Service Request

Associate Product

Associate Financial Account

Associate Contact

Route Service Request

Retrieve Assigned Service Request

Update Service Request

Service Request Associate with Solution

Service Request Associate with Activity

Retrieve Customer Service Requests

Contact Management

Get Demand Deposit Account Data

Get Loan Data

Get Time Deposit Data

Get Book Account Data

Get Profile

Get Offers

Get Activity

Create Response

Create Opportunity

Get Customer Service Request

Log Activity

Marketing Management

Get Profile

Get Offers

Log Response

Update Profile

Create Offers

Manage Lists

Route Response

Lead Management

Create Opportunity

Associate Product

Associate Decision Issue

Associate Competitor

Associate Contact

Associate Company

Party Management

Retrieve Contact

Retrieve Household

Retrieve Company

Retrieve Service Request

Retrieve Opportunity

Retrieve Marketing Offers

Retrieve Contact Offers

Retrieve Contact Profile

Retrieve Company Profile

Update Contact Profile

Update Company Profile


Request Preliminary Rating

Request Member Details Update

Update Provider Details

Request Eligibility Check

Request Benefit Detail

Request Providers

Request Authorization

Request Referral

Request Add/Cancel Group Policy Member

Request Add/Cancel Individual Policy Member

Life Policy

Create Life Policy Record

Inquiry MIB Report

Request ParaMed Result



Life Policy Interface

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Siebel Communications, Media, and Energy ASIs

Prebuilt Communications, Media, and Energy ASIs

Order Management

Order Interface

Customer Lifecycle Management

Account Interface

Billing Management

Invoice Interface

Invoice Adjustment Interface

Payment Interface

Account Balance Request

Account Balance Response

Product and Pricing Administration

Simple Product Interface

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Siebel Automotive ASIs

Prebuilt Automotive ASIs

Auto Deal Interface

Auto Sales History Interface

Auto Service History Interface

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 Application Services Interface Reference 
 Published: 15 May 2003