Application Services Interface Reference > Customizing an Application Services Interface >

Customizing Workflows

Workflows can invoke some ASIs for their processes. You can customize workflows to use the ASIs within the individual Siebel applications. Figure 9 in the following scenario illustrates a workflow to Synchronize Account, invoking different ASI methods, QuerybyID and Synchronize.

NOTE:  For more information regarding customizing workflows, see the specific documentation that applies to your application.

Customized Workflow Example

A customer using an external application needs to update an account within the Siebel database. The following scenario demonstrates how this customized workflow operates.

In the scenario illustrated in Figure 9, the object ID is used to query for the account being sent. The QueryById method returns the account, which is stored in the SiebelMessage property. The account information is passed to the External Account Proxy, which sends the account information to the external system through Web Services. The external system synchronizes the information and passes back any new account information. The Synchronize method takes that new account information and synchronizes the information on the internal system.

Figure 9.  Synchronize Account Workflow

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The QueryById method contains the method arguments shown in Table 5.

Table 5.  QueryById Method Arguments
Integration Object
Data Type
Storage Type
Account Interface
Account Interface
Integration Object

The Synchronize method contains the method argument shown in Table 6.

Table 6.  Synchronize Method Argument
Integration Object
Data Type
Storage Type
Account Interface
Account Interface
Integration Object

In this example, an interface integration object with the name Account Interface is created to define the external representation of the account. An internal integration object with the name Internal Account Interface was created to describe the structure of the Account business object.

The workflow process properties are used to store data in the workflow. The Object ID property (data type String) is included in each workflow by default. Account Message (data type Integration Object) is defined to store the output of the Query by Account ID step.

The Query by Account step calls the QueryById method of the Siebel Account data synchronization service. The process property Object ID is passed as an input argument. Account Interface is passed as an output argument to the process property Account Message. The External Account Proxy step calls the Synchronize method of the External Account outbound ASI. For the input argument, the process property Account Message is passed to the input argument Account Interface. For the output argument, the method output argument Account Interface is passed to the process property Account Message.

Table 7 shows the input arguments.

Table 7.  Input Arguments
Input Argument
Property Name
Property Data Type
Process Property
Object ID
Account Interface
Process Property
Account Message
Integration Object

Table 8 shows the output argument.

Table 8.  Output Argument
Property Name
Output Argument
Account Message
Output Argument
Account Interface

 Application Services Interface Reference 
 Published: 15 May 2003