Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide > Designing Workflow Processes > Working with Wait Steps >

Defining a Wait Step

To define a wait step

  1. Make the appropriate process active by selecting it in the All Processes view.
  2. Navigate to the Process Designer view and double-click the Wait icon to access the details view.
  3. NOTE:  To add a Wait step to the workspace, drag and drop the Wait icon from the palette to the workspace.

  4. Enter a name for the step.
  5. Enter a description of the purpose of the step.
  6. Enter input arguments in the Input Arguments applet.
  7. NOTE:  For durations greater than 60 seconds, you should specify minutes or a greater unit of measure so that business component data is refreshed. Wait steps with durations measured in anything other than seconds are automatically persisted. For more information, see Wait Steps and Workflow Persistence.

Defining Wait Step Input Arguments

To define input arguments for a wait step

  1. With the appropriate Wait step name displayed in the Wait Step applet of the Wait view and the Input Argument applet active, select Add New Record from the applet menu.
  2. Select the property name from the picklist.
  3. Choose an input argument type. The choices available are:
  4. If the input argument type selected is Literal, enter a value.
  5. If the input argument type is Input Argument, enter the argument.
  6. If the input argument type is Business Component, select the applicable business component name and business component field.
  7. Enter any appropriate comments.

Defining Wait Step Next Steps Arguments

A wait step can wait for a specified runtime event to occur. If the previous Input Arguments applet is populated with a time duration, that time duration will be treated as a timeout parameter. The wait step will then wait until either the specified runtime event occurs or the timeout parameter has expired, whichever comes first. The one that occurs first will determine the branch that is taken.

To define next steps arguments for a wait step

  1. In the Wait Step detail view applet menu, select Next Step.
  2. Select the Next Steps applet.
  3. If the branches are not yet defined, add a branch record by selecting New Record from the applet menu.
  4. A branch with a runtime event specified will be taken when that event occurs. A branch with no runtime event specified will be taken if no runtime event is specified for other branches or if the timeout parameter has expired. For more information about defining runtime events, see Using Runtime Events.

 Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide 
 Published: 29 May 2003