Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide for Financial Services > Customizing Workflow Policies with Siebel Tools > Using the Siebel Tools Views >

Understanding the Workflow Policy Component List View

A workflow policy component is a logical mapping of a database table. Figure 5 shows the Workflow Policy Component list view. Except for the primary workflow policy component, each workflow policy component defines a relationship to another workflow policy component. This relationship is defined by specifying a source policy column and a target policy column. The source and target columns on a workflow policy component identify foreign key relationships between the tables.

A primary workflow policy component is a workflow policy component that all other workflow policy components are directly or indirectly related to. From these workflow policy components, the workflow policy columns that are available for monitoring in the workflow policy can be defined.

To define a workflow policy object and its components, you should be familiar with the Siebel Data Model and Siebel Data Model Reference. Siebel Data Model Reference describes the tables and how the tables are related.

Figure 5. Workflow Policy Component List View

Click for full size image

Table 70 describes all of the properties of a workflow policy component.

Table 70. Workflow Policy Component Properties Fields
Name of the workflow policy component.
A descriptive name that is:
  • Consistent with your overall naming strategy.
  • Meaningful to the policy maker.
Indicates whether the record has been added or edited.
A check mark indicates the record has been added or edited.
Indicates whether this workflow policy component is primary for the workflow policy object selected in the workflow Object applet.
A check mark indicates this is the primary workflow component.
Note: Each workflow policy object must have only one primary workflow policy component.
Source Table Name
The table that the workflow policy component is based on.
A table name from the picklist.
Source Column Name
The column in the source table that relates to another workflow policy component.
A picklist of columns from the table specified in the Source Table Name field. (Not required for the primary workflow policy component.)
Target Component
The target workflow policy component that this workflow policy component is related to.
A table name from the picklist. (Not required for the primary workflow policy component.)
Target Column Name
The column in the target workflow policy component that the source column in this workflow policy component is joined to.
A picklist of columns from the workflow policy component specified in the Target Component Name field. (Not required for the primary workflow policy component.)
Indicates if the component is active or inactive.
A check mark indicates this field is inactive and is not compiled or accessible.
If the component is inactive, it is not compiled when you compile your .srf and is not accessible by any policy.
Any comments for the workflow policy component.
Descriptive text.

 Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide for Financial Services 
 Published: 22 May 2003