Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide for Financial Services > Using State Models > Creating State Models and State Transitions >

Creating State Transitions

Creating and defining a state transition is handled through the States view. To display this view, choose Site Map > Business Process Administration > State Models > States.

If a state model exists for a field in a business component, all possible transitions for the field must be defined in the States view. If a transition is not explicitly defined, it will not be available to users. If Restrict Transition is left unchecked, you can access all other states. Otherwise, only the defined transitions are accessible.

Table 91 and Table 92 describe the fields in the States view. The State Model form applet at the top of the view contains data from the State Models view.

Table 91 describes the fields in the Transitions list applet.

Table 91. Fields in the Transitions List Applet
From State
The original field value for the state transition. The picklist for this field will display all of the state names that have been defined for the state model.
Note that if a state transition is not defined for the default State Name value, the business component field that the state model is based on cannot be changed.
Indicates if the transition is available to all users.
By default, the Public Flag is checked to indicate that all users will be allowed to make the transition. Positions specified in the Authorizations list applet will be ignored.
If you want to restrict the transition to a subset of users, uncheck this field and add the positions for these users in the Authorizations list applet.
If Public Flag is unchecked but no positions have been added in the Authorizations list applet, no users will be able to make the transition.
Rule Field
Allows you to specify a condition that must be satisfied for the transition to occur.
The pick applet displays a list of all fields for the business component that the state model is based on. To create a condition, select a field whose value should be checked before the transition occurs.
Rule Expression
Allows for the creation of complex or multiple conditions that must be satisfied for users to make the transition.
The syntax for the Rule Expression field is the same as the syntax for calculated field values and field validation in Siebel Tools. See Siebel Tools Reference for more information on the syntax.
Rule Operator
A comparison operator for the Rule Field Name field. If a rule field name was selected, this operator will determine how the rule field name is checked in relation to the Rule Value field.
Rule Value
Specifies the value to be checked in relation to the Rule Field Name and Rule Operator fields.
For example, a state transition may be created that allows users to change the status of a service request from Open to Closed when the sub-status of the service request has been set to Resolved. In this example, the Rule Field Name value would be Sub-Status, the Rule Operator value would be =, and the rule value would be Resolved.
The rule value must be enclosed in single quotes, as shown in the preceding example.
To State
The new field value for the state transition, changing from the value indicated in From State Name.
The picklist for this field will display all of the state names that have been defined for the state model.
All conditions for the transition must have been satisfied before the transition is allowed.

Table 92 describes the fields in the Authorized Positions list applet.

Table 92. Fields in the Authorized Positions List Applet
The name of the division in which the selected position is defined. This read-only value is populated from the Position field.
If the Public Flag field in the Transitions list applet is unchecked, the Position field reflects the name of the position that can make the state transition. Any employee with the selected position will have the authority to make the state transition.
If the Public Flag field is checked, the ability to make the state transition is not restricted to users whose positions may be specified.
The pick applet for this field will display all of the positions that have been defined in the organization.
Position Type
The type for the selected position. This read-only value is populated from the Position field.

To create a new state transition

  1. Choose Site Map > Business Process Administration > State Models.
  2. In the State Models view, click the Name field in the appropriate state model record.
  3. The States view appears.

  4. Click the Transitions tab to access the Transitions list applet. In the Transitions list applet, click New to create a new state transition record.
  5. You can create one or more state transitions. For each state transition, fill in the appropriate fields, as described in Table 91.

  6. If you want to restrict the state transitions to a subset of users, uncheck the Public field and add records in the Authorized Positions list to specify one or more positions for these users.

NOTE:  When the Public field is left unchecked, all other states are accessible and any defined transitions and their rules are ignored. Checking this field indicates that only defined transitions from this state are permitted. An end state is created if this field is checked, and no transitions are defined.

If a state is set to a default state in Tools, then it cannot be overridden in the State Models view.

For a description of the fields, see Table 92.

 Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide for Financial Services 
 Published: 22 May 2003