Siebel Call Center User Guide > Activities >

Adding an Activity to a Customer Request

When working with a service request, the agent must record all research and other work performed to resolve the request. This comprehensive history can be helpful to others working with the particular service request, contact, or account. It also forms a valuable resolution record that may be used by others in the future to avoid duplication of effort.

Activities related to a service request are recorded on the Service Requests screen.

To add activities to a service request

  1. Navigate to the Service Requests screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select My Service Requests.
  3. In the Service Request list, select the service request, and then click the Activities view tab
  4. In the Activities list, add a record, and complete the fields.
  5. An activity number is automatically generated. The account and contact information are automatically entered from the information in the selected service request.

    The following table describes some of the fields.

    Account that requested service. Automatically populated based on the Account value of the selected service request.
    Indicates whether there are attachments associated with this activity. This field does not appear by default in the Service Activities view, but can be displayed through the use of the Columns Displayed command.
    Brief note describing the needed or completed activity.
    Display In
    Determines whether the activity will be displayed in the Activity screen, in the Activity screen and the Calendar screen, or in the Activity screen and the To Do applet. An activity cannot appear in both the Calendar and the To Do applet. Defaults to Calendar and Activities.
    Date and time by which the activity should be completed.
    One or more employees assigned to complete the activity. Defaults to the User ID of the activity creator. This field is not displayed by default in the Service Activities view, but can be displayed through the use of the Columns Displayed command, or by clicking the Type hyperlink to navigate to the Activities screen.
    Automatically selected when ownership is changed from the activity creator to another user. Automatically cleared when the new owner views activity details by clicking the hyperlink in the Type field.
    User ID of the person assigned to complete the activity. Defaults to the User ID that created the activity.
    Importance of the activity.
    When selected, the activity becomes visible only to the users listed in the Employees field and the Siebel administrator. This field is not visible by default in the Service Requests Activities view. It can be displayed by changing the Columns Displayed settings or by clicking the Type hyperlink to navigate to the Activities screen, and then clicking the show more button.
    Date and time when the activity should start.
    Current status of the activity.
    General category of the activity. Defaults to a hyperlink with the value of Appointment. Clicking the hyperlink displays the Attachments view of the Activities screen, where the value of Type can be changed and additional activity characteristics can be specified.

 Siebel Call Center User Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003