Siebel Call Center User Guide > Contacts >

Profiling a Contact

After verifying the caller's information, agents typically complete a profile. Profiling a contact is the process where an agent gathers additional information about the contact and the contact's specific business or service requirement. The following procedure describes how to enter profile information about a contact.

To add profile information

  1. Navigate to the Contacts screen.
  2. In the Contacts list, select the contact, and then click the Profile view tab.
  3. In the Profile form, complete the necessary fields.
  4. The following table describes some of the fields.

    Approval Authority
    Indicates the maximum purchase amount the contact can approve.
    Type of business engaged in by the contact.
    Send Promotions
    Indicates that the contact wants to receive promotional material.
    Send Quarterly Financials
    Indicates that the contact wants to receive quarterly financial reports on your company.

 Siebel Call Center User Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003