Siebel Call Center User Guide > Households >

Storing and Viewing Information About Households

The following types of information can be indirectly related to a household by associating the information with the contact record for any member of the household:

The Household screen's views that correspond to these types of information are read-only. The information must be stored and modified using Contact screen views.

To store additional information related to a household contact

  1. Navigate to the Households screen, and in the households list select the household.
  2. Click the Contacts view tab, and in the Contacts list select the household contact with whom additional information will be associated.
  3. Click the Last Name hyperlink to display the Contacts screen.
  4. Click the appropriate view tab for the type of information you want to add:
  5. In the view tab list, add a new record and complete the fields.

If the contact who is associated with Attachments, Notes, Opportunities, Service Requests, Agreements, or Assets leaves the household, the information stays accessible through the Household screen if Siebel Call Center users register the contact's departure by adding an exit date to the Household Contact record. If a user deletes the Household Contact record for the departing contact, the information associated with that contact is no longer associated with the contact's former household.

To view additional information related to a household

  1. Navigate to the Households screen, and in the household list, select the household.
  2. Click the view tab for the type of information you want to view:

 Siebel Call Center User Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003