Siebel eCommunications Guide > Assets >

Assets Overview

An asset is a product or product component that has been purchased by a customer and installed at, turned on at, or delivered to a customer site. An asset can be a physical product or a service product. Examples include phone pagers, phone handsets, telecommunications services, and Internet services that are active at specific customer sites. An asset is tracked at an asset number level. An asset has attributes, a configuration, and a location.

Siebel eCommunications uses both the asset number and product name to track the asset. It is the combination of these two fields that makes an asset unique within Siebel applications. Therefore, the same asset number can be shared by different products. For example, a phone jack and a DSL connection can have the same asset number for different products.

Asset management and tracking are important parts of help desk systems and field service applications. Siebel eCommunications tracks purchases, allows you to create an asset before purchase, and allows you to track the asset's location. The asset management system records the location of serialized products and product components, and tracks the movement of these assets from inventory locations to customers or employees.

Assets cannot be deleted, so even inactive services remain in the dialog boxes for selection.

End users can use these methods to create or modify assets:

New or modified asset records can also be automatically received from an integrated third-party asset management system. For more information, see Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

 Siebel eCommunications Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003