Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide > Administering Siebel Communications Server > Enabling Session Communications and Simulation >

Enabling Communications Sessions for Siebel Web Client

End users can access communications using the Siebel Web Client by connecting the Web browser to an Applications Object Manager for which server component parameter values are set as described in this section.

For more information about setting server component parameter values, refer to Siebel Server Administration Guide.

To enable or disable session communications for Siebel Web Client users

  1. On each Application Object Manager that is to support users for whom session communications must be available, set the server component parameter CommEnable to TRUE. Or, to disable communications, set it to FALSE. To set this parameter, do one of the following:
  2. srvredit /g gateway_name /e enterprise_name
    /r $enterprise.app_object_mgr.CommEnable=true /d bool /f

    Substitute the values for your Siebel Gateway, Siebel Enterprise Server, and Application Object Manager component, as appropriate. For example, for Siebel Call Center, you might enter:

    srvredit /g localhost /e siebel
    /r $enterprise.SCCObjMgr.CommEnable=true /d bool /f

  3. After setting the CommEnable parameter value, restart the Siebel Server on which the Application Object Manager is running.

 Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003