Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide > Advanced Communications Configuration >

Using Device Event to Enhance Screen Pop Performance

The Dialogic CTI communications driver, used as part of Siebel CTI Connect (based on Intel NetMerge), includes an event that provides a way to enhance CTI screen pop performance for your call center agents.

The EventAnswerCall event is triggered whenever the AnswerCall device command is invoked by the Dialogic CTI driver, such as when an agent answers a call using the communications toolbar.

To use this feature, create an event handler definition in your communications configuration that is based on the EventAnswerCall device event. This event handler invokes an event response that generates a screen pop and invokes the appropriate event logs.

The EventAnswerCall event occurs after the driver sends the AnswerCall command, but before the Siebel CTI Connect middleware sends the corresponding TpAnswered event. In this manner, extra time is available in which to generate the screen pop.

The event handler definition using EventAnswerCall causes the screen pop to be generated for the agent upon answering the call from the communications toolbar. This screen pop may occur before the call is actually connected. Event logging should still be based on the TpAnswered device event. See Event Examples for Agents Answering Call from Communications Toolbar.

For the case where the agent answers the call from the physical teleset instead of the communications toolbar, do not use the EventAnswerCall event. Instead, both the screen pop and event logging should be based on the TpAnswered device event. See Event Examples for Agents Answering Call From Teleset.

For additional information about handling inbound calls, see Handling an Inbound Call Received by an Agent.

Dependency for Multiple Event Handlers

With this feature, it is possible to configure event handlers where the completion of one event handler is dependent on the completion of another event handler. (Otherwise, the execution of event handlers is independent.)

For example, your call center may require an automatic call-answering function, such as to invoke the AnswerCall command using a script initially invoked by the InboundCall event handler.

As described, the AnswerCall command invokes the EventAnswerCall event. If you have defined an event handler to be triggered by EventAnswerCall, then your original InboundCall event handler will not complete until the EventAnswerCall event handler has completed. If the EventAnswerCall event handler performs some lengthy operation (such as to invoke another script), then it will delay completion of the InboundCall event handler from which the initial script was invoked.

 Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003