Configuration Guidelines > Creating and Modifying Objects > Creating and Modifying Business Objects >

Specifying Links for Associated Business Components

To include a new business component on a business object definition, add a business object component record as a child of the business object. You also need to identify the link property on the business object component.

Although it is optional, you should enter a value for the Link property on the business object component. If you do not specify the link, by default a link named Parent Business Component/Child Business Component is used, where the parent business component property's value equals the name of the source business object, and the child business component property's value equals the value of the destination business component property. If a suitable link cannot be found, the business component is displayed without a link to any other business component in the parent business object. In this case, all records that satisfy the business component search specification independent of the parent business component are displayed. This could create issues because users would not understand that the values in the child business component are not directly related to the parent business component, but represent all data for the child business component. Therefore, you should enter a value for all links wherever you want to show master-detail records.

You must define a link for a business object component under the following circumstances:

 Configuration Guidelines 
 Published: 18 April 2003