Configuration Guidelines > Creating and Modifying Objects > Configuring Views >

Configuring Threads

Views associated with more than one screen in a given application will cause incorrect behavior in Siebel applications. When the thread is saved in the session file, the name of the view is saved without the name of the associated screen. When the end user chooses a thread that navigates to a duplicated view, Siebel applications will always navigate to one screen only—even if the thread was created in the other screen. Furthermore, if the duplicate view is defined as the default view on both tabs, the end user will see an anomaly in the user interface. Siebel applications will select one tab as the active tab when either of the tabs is selected. The duplicate tab will never appear to be active.

NOTE:  The Thread Applet property must be correct, especially if a custom applet is placed in Sector 0. If this property is not set with the correct applet name, planned CTI screen pops for transfer calls will not work.

 Configuration Guidelines 
 Published: 18 April 2003