Siebel eFinance for Teller Connector to IBM WebSphere Business Component Composer Guide > Teller IFX XML Connector >

Teller IFX XML Workflow Processes

The Siebel Connector for Teller consists of three layers of workflows. Table 29 shows the layers and example workflows.

Table 29. Workflow Layers
Workflow Layer
Example Workflow
Business object-dependent workflow layer
FINS Teller Session Connector
FINS Teller Branch Connector
FINS Teller Contact Connector
Outbound Teller Connector layer
FINS IFX Connector Outbound
Low-Level Teller Connector layer
FINS IFX Connector Outgoing
FINS IFX Connector Incoming
FINS IFX Connector Transport Manager

Each layer calls the workflows of the next layer down as a subprocess. Each call to a subprocess passes parameters into the subprocess to control the workflow.

Business Object-Dependent Workflow Layer

The workflows in this layer are the first point of entry for sending a message. They are usually initiated from either a Runtime Event or from a Command Object. See Initiating Messages for more information on Runtime Events and Command Objects. Modify this workflow layer to add a new message to an existing screen.

These workflows are called business object-dependent because they specify the business object that must be active at the time the workflow is initiated. If the active business object in the UI does not match the business object of the workflow that is being called, the workflow will produce an error. When configuring your workflows, you will need at least one workflow in this layer per business object in the UI that you want to generate messages for.

If you want to add a message to a business object that already has a workflow process defined at this layer, add support for that message into the workflow that is already defined instead of creating a new workflow. For example, if you wanted to add another message to the FINS Teller Session business object, you would edit the existing FINS Teller Session Connector workflow to add the logic for the message rather than creating a new workflow process.

Table 30 displays typical properties of a business object-dependent workflow.

Table 30. Typical Business Object-Dependent Workflow Process Properties
Typical Value
Error Code
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
A standard workflow process property that identifies the error code of the last operation in the workflow.
In addition, if there is an error in the incoming XML document, this will be the <StatusCode> value of the <Status> aggregate.
Error Location
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Identifies the location of the error in the incoming XML - either the Signon part of the message or the Body part of the message.
Error Message
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
The message to be presented to the user if this workflow stops with an error status.
Error Severity
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Indicates if the error in the received IFX message has a status of Error, Warn, or Info. Maps to the <Severity> element of the <Status> aggregate. This is extracted from the incoming XML propset by the Parse Status method of the FINS Teller Converter Extensions business service.
Post Transaction
The calling runtime event or command object sets this process property.
The only input parameter to this workflow. A unique string that allows the workflow to branch to the proper step to set the parameters for calls to lower levels in the connector.
Exception Status
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
A hierarchy that contains all the <Status> aggregates from the incoming message.
This process property is used at this level to pass data in to the InsertOverrideRecord method of the FINS IFX XML Extension business service. This is used to insert the error code and error message into the VBC that a supervisor enters his or her override user name and password into.
[FINS Teller Session Transaction.Id]=%1
This workflow process.
These process properties define the search specification string that is used by the FINS IFX XML Transaction Manager business service in the FINS IFX Connector Outgoing workflow. This is the search specification that is passed to the Siebel Adapter to extract the proper business component records.
Note that a search specification is not needed if the integration object you are querying with the Siebel adapter only has one component to it: the primary business component of the business object. The reason is that in all workflows, the Object Id process property stores the row Id of the active row in the primary business component, and that is passed in to the FINS IFX XML Transaction Manager.
For each %n value in the IFXSearchSpec process property, you need to define a corresponding IFXSearcSpec%1 process property to store the value that will be mapped to the search specification. For example, if the IFXSearchSpec%1 process property evaluates to the value of `1-ABC', and the IFXSearchSpec process property has the value of [FINS Teller Session Transaction.Id]=%1, the FINS IFX XML Transaction Manager will apply the following search specification to its query:[FINS Teller Session Transaction.Id] = `1-ABC'.
You can define multiple %n replacement strings in the IFXSearchSpec process property, as long as they have matching IFXSearchSpec%n process properties that contain the value to be replaced.
The IFXSearchSpec%1 value maps to the Child Object Id process property in the FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow.
If needed, the IFXSearchSpec%2 value should map to the Grandchild Object Id process property in the FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow.
Override BusObj
Override ViewName
FINS Teller Session
FINS Teller Session View
This workflow process
These process properties identify the business object and view to be returned to after an administrator enters that administrator's user name and password to override a transaction.
For example, if an override required code is received from the middleware, the FINS Teller Session Connector will navigate to the FINS Teller Override View. After the Override button is pressed on that view, the system will navigate back to the view and business object specified by these process properties.
If the message is not going to use an override, you can ignore these process properties.
Object Id
Workflow Engine
This is the active row Id of the primary business component in the business object.
Override Approval Comments
FINS Teller Override Connector workflow process
These are the comments entered on the FINS Teller Override view at the time the supervisor overrides a transaction.
If you do not plan to support Approval comments for override in your application, you can ignore this process property.
Override UserName
Override Password
FINS Teller Override Connector workflow process
The user name and password entered by the supervisor on the override screen. These values are mapped back in to the message and it is re-sent to the middleware to override a transaction that violates a limit.
FINS Teller Override Connector workflow process
The row Id of the supervisor who performed the override. This is the row Id from the S_PARTY table within Siebel.
Process Instance Id
Workflow Engine
A standard workflow process property that identifies the currently running instance of this process. See Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide for more information.
Siebel Operation Object Id
Workflow engine
A standard workflow process property that identifies the row Id of the last row affected by a Siebel Operation step.
Teller IFX Application Business Service Name
FINS Teller Converter Extensions
This workflow process.
This identifies the business service used by the connector to perform certain standard functions like generated unique Ids. This is specified explicitly here to allow you to write your own business service to replace the standard functionality provided by the FINS Teller Converter Extensions business service.
If you choose to implement your own replacement business service, you need to make sure all the functionality implemented by the FINS Teller Converter Extensions is implemented in it.
Teller IFX Client Application Name
This workflow process.
This value is mapped to the <ClientApp>.<Name> element in the outgoing <SignonRq> message by the FINS IFX XML Converter business service.
Teller IFX Client Application Organization
This workflow process.
This value is mapped to the <ClientApp>.<Org> element in the outgoing <SignonRq> message by the FINS IFX XML Converter business service.
Teller IFX Client Application Version
This workflow process.
This value is mapped to the <ClientApp>.<Version> element in the outgoing <SignonRq> message by the FINS IFX XML Converter business service.
Teller IFX Dispatcher Map Integration Object Name
This workflow process.
This identifies the integration object to be used as the dispatcher map for this message.
Teller IFX Doctype
This workflow process.
This identifies the doctype string to be used for this message.
Teller IFX Envelope Integration Object
FINS IFX Envelope v101
This workflow process.
This identifies the integration object to be used for the envelope section of the outgoing message. This is used by the FINS IFX XML Converter business service.
Teller IFX Message Full Name
This workflow process.
This identifies the user property key in the dispatcher map integration object. This is used to retrieve the value field that is needed by the connector.
Teller IFX Service Provider
Legacy System
This workflow process.
This value is mapped to the <SPName> element that is present in the <CustId> and other aggregates by the DTE engine.
This value is passed into the DTE map and converter business service.
Teller IFX Signoff
This workflow process.
Set to true if you want the FINS IFX XML Converter business service to generate a <SignoffRq> section at the end of the XML message.
Teller Operation Name
This workflow process.
This value tells the FINS IFX XML Transaction Manager which service to call. This value will match a user property in the business service definition. This user property contains a field that identifies which business service to call to extract data from Siebel. By default, SAQuery will call the eAI Siebel Adapter. However, it can be configured to call any business service you want to generate an internal integration object.
Transport Connect Information
http://middleware_ip_address/servlet /
This workflow process.
This is the address to use to send the generated XML document to. This is passed to the FINS IBC Transport Manager business service.
00 - Deposit
This workflow process.
This process property is specific to the FINS Teller Session Connector workflow. It contains the type of the transaction that is requested to be posted.
This is set using an expression within a wait step. The expression queries the current value of the deposit type from the business component.

Outbound Teller Connector Workflow Layer

There is only one workflow in this layer, called FINS IFX Connector Outbound. It is called by all of the business object-dependent workflows to initiate the sending of a message. In general, you do not need to update or create a workflow in this layer.

This workflow binds the request, transport, and response cycles together and implements the IFX session key signon protocol. The IFX session key signon protocol defines how the Siebel Connector for Teller authenticates to the external host.

Within each Siebel Object Manager session, the Siebel Connector for Teller maintains an IFX session key. The first time a Siebel user logs on, this session key is undefined. The first time a user attempts to send a Teller message, this workflow checks the IFX session key. If it is undefined, a signon request message is sent to the middleware to authenticate the user with the Siebel user name and password. Within the signon request message, the <GenSessKey> flag is set to 1 to request that the middleware respond with a session key. If this authentication is successful, the middleware is expected to respond with a session key. This session key is stored internally in the Siebel object manager session and is used for all subsequent messages to the middleware. Using a session key in this way saves time because the middleware does not have to re-authenticate the user with every message.

Conceptually, this is the algorithm implemented by the Outbound Teller Connector:

This workflow handles the session key protocol. Most of the work is handled by calling subprocesses. The process properties in this workflow are usually passed into or received from subprocess calls.

Table 31 displays the process properties of the FINS IFX Connector outbound process.

Table 31. FINS IFX Connector Outbound Process Properties
Typical Value
Application SearchSpec
Application SearchSpec%1
Application SearchSpec%2
Application SearchSpec%3
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer
Application Siebel FINS Operation
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer
This value tells the FINS IFX XML Transaction Manager which service to call. This value will match a user property in the business service definition. This user property contains a field that identifies which business service to call to extract data from Siebel. By default, SAQuery will call the eAI Siebel Adapter. However, it can be configured to call any business service you want to generate an internal integration object instance.
See Business Object-Dependent Workflow Layer for details on this business service.
Child Object Id
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer
This is the row Id of the second level of the integration object hierarchy.
The row Id of the primary business component in the root of the integration object hierarchy is stored in the Object Id process property.
This process property stores the row Id of the child business component of the primary business component.
Error Code
FINS IFX Connector Incoming workflow process
A standard workflow process property that identifies the error code of the last operation in the workflow.
In addition, if there is an error in the incoming XML document, this will be the <StatusCode> value of the <Status> aggregate.
Error Location
FINS IFX Connector Incoming workflow process
Identifies the location of the error in the incoming XML - either the Signon part of the message or the Body part of the message.
Error Message
FINS IFX Connector Incoming workflow process
The message to be presented to the user if this workflow stops with an error status.
Error Severity
FINS IFX Connector Incoming workflow process
Indicates if the error in the received IFX message has a status of Error, Warn, or Info. Maps to the <Severity> element of the <Status> aggregate. This is extracted from the incoming XML propset by the Parse Status method of the FINS Teller Converter Extensions business service.
Exception Status
FINS IFX Connector Incoming workflow process
A hierarchy that contains all the <Status> aggregates from the incoming message.
The value of this process property is just passed up to the Business Object-dependent workflow layer.
IFX Application Business Service Name
FINS Teller Converter Extensions
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer.
Contains the value passed in from the Business Object-dependent workflow layer from the Teller IFX Application Business Service Name process property.
IFX Client Application Name
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer.
Passed on to the FINS IFX Connector Outgoing sub process.
IFX Client Application Organization
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer.
Passed on to the FINS IFX Connector Outgoing sub process.
IFX Client Application Version
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer.
Passed on to the FINS IFX Connector Outgoing sub process.
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer.
Passed on to the FINS IFX Connector Outgoing sub process.
IFX DispMap Integration Object Name
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer.
Passed on to the FINS IFX Connector Outgoing sub process.
IFX Envelope Integration Object Name
FINS IFX Envelope v101
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer.
Passed on to the FINS IFX Connector Outgoing sub process.
IFX IsSignoff
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer.
Passed on to the FINS IFX Connector Outgoing sub process.
IFX Outgoing Message Lookup Key
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer.
Passed on to the FINS IFX Connector Outgoing sub process.
IFX Service Provider Name
Legacy System
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer.
Passed on to the FINS IFX Connector Outgoing sub process.
IFX Session Key
GetSessionID method of the FINS Teller Converter Extensions business service.
The session key assigned to the current session. Used to check if a session key has been received from the middleware.
Object Id
Workflow Engine
The object Id of the primary business component in the active business object.
Override Approval Comments
Override UserName
Override Password
Approved by Bob Smith
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer
All these process properties are passed in from the Business Object-dependent workflow layer.
Process Instance Id
Workflow engine
A standard workflow process property that identifies the running instance of this process. See Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide for more information.
Root Object Id
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer
The row Id of the root of the integration component tree. This value is passed in from the Object Id value in the calling workflow process.
Siebel Operation Object Id
Workflow engine
A standard workflow process property that identifies the row Id of the last row affected by a Siebel Operation step. See Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide for more information.
Transport Connect Information
http://middleware_ip_address/servlet /
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer
Contains the value passed in from the Business Object-dependent workflow layer from the Transport Connect Information process property.
Transport Logging Flag
Passed in to the FINS IFX Connector Outgoing subprocesses to enable or disable logging.
Setting this flag to Y will cause the outgoing and incoming messages to be logged to the default logging file defined in the FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process. The file name is specified in the steps that call the FINS IFX Connector Transport Manager sub processes.
By default, this flag will be set to N. Before setting it to Y, examine the default logging directory to make sure it is valid for your system.
VBC Business Component Name
FINS Teller Electronic Journal
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer
This value contains the name of the business component that is the VBC. It is set by the calling workflow process. Ignore this process property when you are not using VBC.
Business Object-Dependent workflow layer
If this value is true, it indicates that the business component that the Transaction Manager is querying is a VBC.
This process property contains the field-value map of the values in the VBC. Its value is set by the FINS IFX Connector Outgoing subprocess.
XML Document Request
FINS IFX Connector Outgoing workflow process
The generated XML request that is sent to the middleware. This is passed as input to the FINS IFX Connector Transport Manager workflow.
XML Document Response
FINS IFX Connector Transport Manager workflow process
The response XML request that is received from the middleware. This is passed as input to the FINS IFX Connector Incoming subprocess.

Low-Level Teller Connector Workflow Layer

Table 32 displays the three Siebel Connector for Teller workflows at this level.

Table 32. Low-Level Teller Connector Workflows
FINS IFX Teller Connector Outgoing
Generates the outgoing XML string from data in the Siebel business components.
FINS IFX Teller Connector Transport Manager
Sends the XML string using one of the supported eAI transports to the middleware.
FINS IFX Teller Connector Incoming
Receives the incoming XML string and maps it back to Siebel business components.

Table 33 displays the properties for the FINS IFX Connector Outgoing Process.

Table 33. FINS IFX Connector Outgoing Process Properties
Typical Value
Business Component Name
FINS Teller Electronic Journal
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Identifies the VBC name that should be the source BC to be queried by the FINS IXML Transport Manager business service. Ignore this process property if you are not using VBC.
Error Code
Workflow Engine
A standard workflow process property that identifies the error code of the last operation in the workflow.
In addition, if there is an error in the incoming XML document, this will be the <StatusCode> value of the <Status> aggregate.
Error Message
Workflow Engine
The message to be presented to the user if this workflow stops with an error status.
IFX Application Business Service Name
FINS Teller Converter Extensions
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Contains the value passed in from the FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process. Identifies the extension business service for the FINS IFX XML Converter to use.
IFX Client Application Name
IFX Client Application Organization
IFX Client Application Version
Siebel Systems, Inc.
Siebel Systems, Inc.
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
These properties are all passed in to the FINS IFX XML Converter business service for inclusion in the generated XML string.
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Passed to the XML Hierarchy Converter business service for inclusion in the generated XML string.
IFX DispMap Integration Object Name
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Passed to the FINS IFX Transaction Manager business service.
IFX Envelope Name
FINS IFX Envelope v101
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Passed to the FINS IFX XML Converter business service.
IFX Message Full Name
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
If this value is NULL, there is no message body to be included in the workflow and a simple signon message is generated. This is passed to the FINS IFX XML Transport Manager business service.
IFX Service Provider Name
Legacy System
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Used by the FINS IFX XML Converter and the FINS IFX XML DTE business services. The Converter uses this to get the value for <SPName> tags in the header. The DTE uses this to get the same value for <SPName> tags in the body of the message.
IFX Signoff
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Set to true if you want the FINS IFX XML Converter business service to generate a <SignoffRq> section at the end of the XML message.
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Contains the search specification that the FINS IFX XML Transaction Manager should use to pass to the Siebel Adapter.
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
If this value is true, it indicates that the business component that the Transaction Manager is querying is a VBC.
Object Id
Workflow engine
The object Id of the primary business component in the currently active business object.
Override Password
Override UserName
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
The user name and password to be mapped into the current message by the DTE map.
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Used by the FINS IFX XML Transaction Manager to pass to the Siebel Adapter to perform the query.
PropSet Converter Out
FINS IFX XML Converter business service
The output property set from the converter step.
PropSet DTE Out
FINS IFX XML DTE business service
The output property set from the DTE step.
PropSet TransMgr Out
FINS IFX XML Transaction Manager business service
The output property set from the Transaction Manager step.
Siebel FINS Operation
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Used by the FINS IFX XML Transaction Manager to identify the service to run. This identifies a user property on that service.
Transport Connect Info
http://middleware_ip_address/servlet /
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
The address to send the generated XML document to. This is passed to the FINS IBC Transport Manager business service.
Transport Logging Flag
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Enables or disables the logging of the XML request and response files in the FINS IFX Connector Transport Manager workflow subprocess.
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
This process property contains the field-value map of the values in the VBC. Its value is set by the FINS IFX Connector Outgoing subprocess.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?Siebel-Property-Set EscapeNames="true"?>
XML Hierarchy Converter business service
A string representing the XML request message.

Table 34 displays the properties for the FINS IFX Connector Transport Manager process.

Table 34. FINS IFX Connector Transport Manager Process Properties
Typical Value
Connect Info
http://middleware_ip_address/servlet /
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
The address to send the generated XML document to. This is passed to the FINS IBC Transport Manager business service.
Error Code
Workflow engine
A standard workflow process property that identifies the error code of the last operation in the workflow
In addition, if there is an error in the incoming XML document, this will be the <StatusCode> value of the <Status> aggregate.
Error Message
Workflow engine
The message to be presented to the user if this workflow stops with an error status.
Log File Incoming
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Specifies where to log the incoming XML file.
Log File Outgoing
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Specifies where to log the outgoing XML file.
XML Document Request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?Siebel-Property-Set EscapeNames="true"?>
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
A string representing the complete XML request document.
XML Document Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?Siebel-Property-Set EscapeNames="true"?>
FINS IBC Transport Manager business service
A string representing the complete XML response document.

Table 35 displays the properties for the FINS IFX Connector Incoming process.

Table 35. FINS IFX Connector Incoming Process Properties
Typical Value
Error Code
A standard workflow process property that identifies the error code of the last operation in the workflow.
In addition, if there is an error in the incoming XML document, this will be the <StatusCode> value of the <Status> aggregate.
Error Code - Siebel
EAI Value Map Translator business service
Contains the result of looking up the error code received in the XML response message and translating it to a text status. The text status is usually `Success,' but it can be `Warning' or `Error' or other strings.
The correlation between XML response codes and text statuses is maintained in the eAI Value Maps screen.
Error Location
FINS Teller Converter Extensions business service, Parse Status method
Identifies the location of the error in the incoming XML - either the Signon part of the message or the Body part of the message.
Error Message
Workflow engine or FINS Teller Converter Extensions business service, Parse Status method
The message to be presented to the user if this workflow stops with an error status.
Error Severity
FINS Teller Converter Extensions business service, Parse Status method
Indicates if the error in the received IFX message has a status of Error, Warn, or Info. Maps to the <Severity> element of the <Status> aggregate. This is extracted from the incoming XML propset by the Parse Status method of the FINS Teller Converter Extensions business service.
Exception Status
FINS IFX XML Converter
A hierarchy that contains all the <Status> aggregates from the incoming message. The converter extracts this hierarchy so it can be parsed by the Parse Status business service. The Parse Status service in turn scans this hierarchy looking for non-zero status codes, and sets the Error Severity, Error Location, Error Code, and Error Message process properties accordingly.
Root Object Id
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
The row Id of the primary business component in the business object. This is mapped into the internal integration object by the DTE step, and is usually used by the Siebel Adapter as the user key.
Child Object Id
FINS IFX Connector Outbound
The row Id of the child business component in the business object. This is mapped into the internal integration object by the DTE step, and is usually used by the Siebel Adapter as the user key.
Grandchild Object Id
FINS IFX Connector Outbound
The row Id of the grandchild business component in the business object. This is mapped into the internal integration object by the DTE step, and is usually used by the Siebel Adapter as the user key.
IFX Application Business Service Name
FINS Teller Converter Extensions
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Contains the value passed in from the FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process. Identifies the extension business service for the FINS IFX XML Converter to use.
IFX Dispatcher Map Integration Object Name
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Passed to the FINS IFX Dispatcher business service.
IFX Enable Default Data Formatting
This workflow process
Passed to the FINS IFX XML Converter business service to enable or disable date/time formatting.
IFX Formatting Date Input Format
This workflow process
Passed to the FINS IFX XML Converter business service to control the output date/time format for IFX date values.
IFX Formatting DateTime Input Format
This workflow process
Passed to the FINS IFX XML Converter business service to control the output date/time format for IFX date/time values.
IFX Formatting Time Input Format
This workflow process
Passed to the FINS IFX XML Converter business service to control the output time format for IFX time values.
IFX Formatting YrMon Input Format
This workflow process
Passed to the FINS IFX XML Converter business service to control the output time format for IFX year/month values.
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Set to true to indicate to the FINS IFX XML Transaction Manager that the internal integration object you are processing maps to a virtual business component.
Object Id
Workflow engine
The object Id of the primary business component in the active business object.
Override Approval Comments
Approved by Bob Smith
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Used by the DTE to map the approval comments into the internal integration object. This allows the approval comments to be upserted into the Siebel database after a successful override transaction.
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
Used by the DTE to map the row Id of the user who approved the override into the internal integration object. This allows the identity of the person who did the override to be upserted into the Siebel database.
PropSet Converter Out
FINS IFX XML Converter
The output from the converter step. This performs date/time format conversion and sets the session key if necessary.
PropSet DTE Out
The output from the DTE step. This converts the property set to internal integration object format from external integration object format.
PropSet Dispatcher Out
FINS IFX XML Dispatcher
The output from the dispatcher step. This tags the hierarchy with properties that identify the envelope and body sections.
PropSet TransMgr Out
FINS IFX XML Transaction Manager
The output from the Transaction Manager step.
PropSet XML Doc
XML Hierarchy Converter
The output from the hierarchy converter step. This is the direct hierarchical representation of the incoming XML document.
FINS Teller Converter Extensions business service, Parse Status method
The status code retrieved from the input Exception Status hierarchy. This represents the <StatusCode> value from the <Status> aggregate. If there is more than one <Status> aggregate in the message, this is the one with the error. If more than one <Status> aggregate has an error, this is the error from the <SignonRs> part of the message.
XML Document
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?Siebel-Property-Set EscapeNames="true"?>
FINS IFX Connector Outbound workflow process
A string representing the complete XML response document.

 Siebel eFinance for Teller Connector to IBM WebSphere Business Component Composer Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003