Siebel Financial Services Connector for IFX XML Guide > Siebel Connector for IFX XML > IFX XML Transaction Manager >

Transaction Manager User Properties

Table 1 describes the FINS IFX XML Transaction Manager user properties.

Table 1. FINS IFX XML Transaction Manager User Properties
<Integration object name>
The dispatch map name. Transaction manager will use this map to tag the Body information for other components. This value can be set as runtime input argument, which will overwrite this value.
<Operation Name>
<Service name>/<Method name/
<Argument List>
<OperationName> can be any literal value you want to use to name the operation. The operation can be invoked from the MethodName method in ServiceName business service passing Argument arguments. <OperationName> is an alias for the method specified by ServiceName/MethodName. <OperationName> is referenced in dispatcher map entries.
For information about configuring the <Operation Name>, see the following section.

Configuring the <Operation Name> Property

Use a meaningful name for the operation name, such as "IXMLOperation_Query."

The value must follow this format:

Uses of the Siebel operation include the following:

Table 2 shows examples of the Siebel operation.

Table 2. Operation Examples
The default value is to use SiebelMessage as the type of integration object instance. !SiebelMessage means to not use the default value.
Replace SiebelMessage with XMLHierarchy

 Siebel Financial Services Connector for IFX XML Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003