Siebel Connector for PeopleSoft > Database Wizard > Database Wizard >

Background on Database Adapter Integration Objects

The Database Adapter uses Integration Objects to represent external database tables. Tables appear as integration components within an integration object. The tables need to identify a parent-child relationship, which is usually a subset of the existing relationships.

Model the database table relations, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Database Table Relations

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Ignore relations that do not contribute to the parent-child structure (represented by the dotted line connections in Figure 4).

Figure 5 shows the final tree to be represented by Siebel Integration Object.

Figure 5. Final Hierarchy

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Once the hierarchy is finalized, it is useful to note the keys involved. Each component (table) can have two types of keys—foreign keys and target keys. Every component that has a parent will have foreign keys. Every component that has a child will have a target key.

In the example, if the fields F1 and F2 in the parent table T1 were mapped to fields G1 and G2 in the child table T3, then F1, F2 would be the target keys and G1, G2 would be the foreign keys.

In addition, if the component can be uniquely identified (that is, the table it represents has a logical primary key), it can be represented as a user key. User keys function similarly in the Database Adapter as the rest of EAI framework.

Every foreign key has an associated target key in the parent table.

 Siebel Connector for PeopleSoft 
 Published: 18 April 2003