Siebel Connector for SAP R/3 > Installing and Configuring the SAP Connector > Configuring ALE/IDOC Connectivity >

Manually Creating Partner Profiles

You may also create Partner Profiles manually. If you have successfully generated Partner Profiles in Generating Partner Profiles, you may skip to Configuring Server Component Objects.

NOTE:  Even if you manually create your Partner Profiles, you still need to add your Outbound Parameter message types to a Distribution Model. Otherwise, SAP does not generate communication IDOCs when you attempt to send an IDOC.

Before creating a partner profile manually, you must create a port for the RFC destination you created earlier. If you generate your partner profiles, ports are automatically generated for you and this step is not necessary.

To create ports

  1. From SALE, select Sending and Receiving Systems > Systems in Network > Asynchronous Processing > Assigning Ports > Define Port.
  2. The Ports in IDOC processing view opens.

  3. Select the Transactional RFC entry and click Create.
  4. Click one of the following option buttons:
  5. Generate Port Number. SAP automatically creates a port number.

    Port number. The name of the port.

  6. Click the check mark button through any informational pop-up message boxes.
  7. The Creating a tRFC port view opens.

  8. Complete the following fields:
  9. Description. Brief description of this logical destination.

    Version. You may select either version. For the Siebel Connector for SAP R/3, V7.x, the default is 4x. The Siebel Connector for SAP R/3 V6.x adapter supports only the 3.x version.

    RFC Destination. The name of the logical destination (TCP/IP connection) created earlier (from SM59). Click the possible entries button to view the list of values for the logical system.

    Click Save.

After you have created a port, you can create partner profiles.

To create partner profiles

  1. From SALE, choose Modeling and Implementing Business Processes >Partner Profiles and Time of Processing > Maintain Partner Profiles.
  2. The Partner profiles window opens.

  3. Choose Partner Type LS and click Create.
  4. Complete the following fields:
  5. Partn.number. The receiving logical system name created earlier in the configuration.

    Partn.type. The type of partner: LS = Logical System.

  6. In the Post processing: permitted agent tab, complete the following fields:
  7. Typ. Type of ID: U = User, O = Organizational chart.

    Agent. UserID of person to be notified of IDOC transfer errors.

    Lang. Language: EN = English.

  8. In the Classification tab, complete the following fields:
  9. Partner class. Enter a partner class if desired.

    Partner status. A for Active.

  10. Click Save.
  11. Click Create Outbound Parameters.
  12. The Partner Profiles: Outbound Parameters window opens.

  13. In Partner Profiles: Outbound Parameters screen, complete the following fields:
  14. Message type. Enter MATMAS for Material master records, DEBMAS for Customer master records, or ORDCHG for Order Update master records.

  15. In the Outbound options tab, complete the following fields:
  16. Receiver port. Enter the name of the previously created port for your logical system.

    Packet size. Enter the number of IDOCs per package, for example 20.

    NOTE:  This field does not appear until after you have saved.

    Output mode. Choose to either transfer IDOCs immediately or collect them and send them all at once.

    IDOC type/Basic type. Enter the IDOC that is associated with the following message types:


  17. In the Post processing: permitted agent tab, complete the following fields:
  18. Typ. Type of ID: US = User.

    Agent. UserID of person to be notified of IDOC transfer errors.

    Lang. Language: EN = English.

  19. Click Save.
  20. Click the left arrow to return to the Partner Profiles window.
  21. Repeat Step 7 through Step 12 to add the DEBMAS and ORDCHG IDOC message types.
  22. Click Create Inbound Parameters.
  23. The Partner Profiles: Inbound Parameters window opens.

  24. Partner Profiles: In the Inbound Parameters window, complete the following fields:
  25. Message type. DEBMAS for Customer master records.

    Process code. The SAP code behind the processing of this message type: DEBMAS = DEBM

    Syntax check. If the IDOC should be syntax checked upon posting.

    Processing by function module. Select a processing option.

  26. In the Post processing: permitted agent tab, complete the following fields:
  27. Typ. Type of ID: US = User, O = Organizational chart.

    Agent. UserID of person to be notified of IDOC transfer errors.

    Lang. Language: EN = English.

  28. Click Save.

 Siebel Connector for SAP R/3 
 Published: 22 August 2003