Siebel Financial Services Connector for VCML Guide > VCML Connector Configuration > FINS VCML XML Transaction Manager >

FINS VCML XML Transaction Manager Business Service User Properties

Table 4 describes the user properties for the FINS VCML XML Transaction Manager.

Table 4. FINS VCML FINS VCML XML Transaction Manager Business Service User Properties
True, False
Default is True. This user property is used to allow the run-time input argument. If True, this allows a workflow process to pass in process properties as input arguments; otherwise, the business service ignores input arguments.
FINS Industry BC Facility Service/HierarchySearchSpec/!SiebelMessage;IntObjectName=>SiebelFINSRespIntObjName;
This is a transaction definition. This value defines the business service to execute when the input argument SiebelFINSOperationOut is set to SAOperation_FIND.
EAI Siebel Adapter/Query/
Transaction definition for the SAQuery transaction. Selected with the SiebelFinsOperationOut input argument.
EAI Siebel Adapter/Query/PrimaryRowId;!SiebelMessage;
Transaction definition for the SARowIdQuery transaction. Selected with the SiebelFinsOperationOut input argument.
EAI Siebel Adapter/Synchronize/
Transaction definition for the SASynchronize transaction. Selected with the SiebelFinsOperationOut input argument.
EAI Siebel Adapter/Upsert/
Transaction definition for the SAUpsert transaction. Selected with the SiebelFinsOperationOut input argument.
EAI Siebel Adapter/Delete/RollbackOnSame
Transaction definition for the SAUpsert_ROLL_BACK transaction. Selected with the SiebelFinsOperationOut input argument. This transaction definition uses the rollback capabilities built into the EAI Siebel Adapter, not the rollback capabilities defined in the FINS VCML XML Transaction Manager business service.
Default is vcmltempfile.xml. The filename to save content record for future rollback. Used by the Execute Save method to save the before image and by the Execute method to read the previous image to do a rollback.
The session key to set or look up the record in memory. Used by the Execute Save method to save the before image and by the Execute method to read the previous image to do a rollback.

Additional Notes on Transaction Manager User Properties

This section provides additional notes on the SAOperation_Find method arguments listed in Table 4.

The format of the SAOperation_FIND value is as follows:

Business Service Name /

Method /


[Input Argument Name 1 = > Input Argument Value 1;]...


Business Service Name is a required parameter that identifies the business service to execute.

Method is a required parameter that identifies the name of the method on the business service to execute.

!SiebelMessage is an optional parameter that is used to postprocess the output arguments from the target service. It tells the transaction manager to remove the top-level SiebelMessage node (if it exists) from every business service output values. If this parameter is not set, then none of the business service output values are modified and parent SiebelMessage nodes (if exists) are retained.

 Siebel Financial Services Connector for VCML Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003