Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide > The Siebel 7.0.4 to 7.5 Analytics Bridges > Installation Process >

Localize the Siebel Analytics Bridge

If your organization requires that Siebel Analytics data be viewed in a language other than English, you must also perform two additional steps as part of the Bridge installation and configuration:

These processes must be performed once for each language in which your data is to be viewed.

For additional information about deploying the Siebel Data Warehouse in non-English environments, see Deploying Informatica and Siebel Data Warehouse in Non-English Environments.

Add New Localized Siebel Analytics Screens and Views

Use the following procedure to add new localized Siebel Analytics screens and views.

To add new localized screens and views

  1. Copy the following file:
    (where <lan> corresponds to the language to be installed)
    704_Bridge \Localization\<lan>folder
    views_configuration_<lan> .sif \tools\objects
  2. Open Siebel Tools.
  3. From Tools > Import from Archive, select the views_configuration.sif file.
  4. When importing the file, use the Merge option. This process adds a set of Analytics Views, Screens, Fields, and Applets used to view Siebel Analytics content with the Siebel operational application.
  5. Perform manual activation and inactivation of certain Siebel Analytics screen and views.

    After the import has taken place, certain Siebel Analytics screens and views must be manually activated or inactivate to optimally configure the bridge. The manual configuration steps required are:

    Manual Step Required
    ISS Analytics Screen
    ISS Dashboard 1 View
    Inactivate View
    ISS Analytics Screen
    SSO ISS Dashboard 1 View
    Inactivate View
    Siebel Answers
    Siebel Delivers View
    Inactivate View
    Siebel Answers
    SSO Siebel Delivers View
    Inactivate View
    ISS Analytics Screen
    ISS Dashboard 2 View
    Activate View
    ISS Analytics Screen
    SSO ISS Dashboard 2 View
    Activate View
    ISS Analytics Screen
    ISS Dashboard 3 View
    Activate View
    ISS Analytics Screen
    SSO ISS Dashboard 3 View
    Activate View
  6. Compile a new .srf file.
  7. Copy the following file:
    (where <lan> corresponds to the language to be installed)
    704_Bridge \Localization\<lan>folder
    (where <lan> corresponds to the language to be installed)
    <lan>_locale.sif\ tools\objects
  8. Navigate to Tools > Utilities > Locale Management. Open Locale Management.
    Click for full size image
  9. In the Locale Management window Options tab, from the Source and Target Language drop-down lists, select the names applicable to your locale. Use the following table:

Click for full size image
  1. In the Locale Management window Import Tab, click Browse to access the ~\tools\objects folder. From the \tools\objects folder, select the <lan>_locale.txt file you copied in Step 7. Click Import.
    Click for full size image
  2. In the Siebel Analytics application, update the Integration Administration Screen with information pertaining to the Siebel Analytics Server. See the section in Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide on completing the Siebel Analytics initialization in the Siebel eBusiness application.

Add Localized Seed Data for Metadata Translations

Use the following procedure to add localized seed data for metadata translations.

To import Locale seed data into the Siebel OLTP database

  1. Copy the following files:
    (where <lan> corresponds to the language being used)
    704_Bridges\localization\<lan> folder
    (where <lan> corresponds to the language being used)
    Local Machine
    (where <lan> corresponds to the language to be installed)
    704_Bridges\localization\<lan> folder
    (where <lan> corresponds to the language being used)
    Local Machine
  2. Open a command line, and navigate to the same directory where you copied the .dat and .inp files.
  3. Replace these connection parameters with the values appropriate to your database environment, and then run the following import command, replacing <lan> in the command with the appropriate code for the language to be installed.
    • Connection parameters:
      • UserName
      • Password
      • ODBCDataSource
      • DatabaseOwner
    • Import command:

    $SIEBELSERVERROOT\bin\dataimp /u $UserName /p $Password /c "$ODBCDataSource" /d $DatabaseOwner /f seed_704_bridge_<lan>.dat /w y /q 100 /h Log /x f /i seed_704_bridge_<lan>.inp /l seed_704_bridge_<lan>.log

    NOTE:  For the dataimp utility to work under Oracle, your local and DB server must have the same language setting. Change the DB server language setting to the localized language, then try again to run dataimp.

 Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004