Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide > Configuring and Using Data Matching >

Enabling Data Matching (Deduplication) for Real-Time Processing

Real-time data matching (deduplication) is supported only for employee-facing applications. However, it is by default disabled after you install your Siebel Server. For you to enable data matching for real-time processing for an application, the deduplication parameter must be enabled for the object manager that the application uses. Use the following procedure to enable data matching at the component (application) level.

To enable real-time data matching (deduplication) for an application

  1. Log in to the Siebel application with administrator responsibilities.
  2. From the application level menu, choose Site Map > Server Administration > Components.
  3. In the Components list, select the object manager where the end users enter and modify customer data, for example, Call Center Object Manager.
  4. Click the Component Parameters view tab.
  5. In the Parameter field, query for the parameters provided in Table 8, and change the settings as indicated.
  6. After the component parameters are set, restart the object manager.
    1. Navigate to Site Map > Server Administration > Servers.
    2. Click the Server Components view tab.
    3. In the Servers list (upper applet), select the appropriate Siebel Server (if you have more than one in your enterprise).
    4. In the Server Components list (lower applet), select the component of your object manager, and use the Startup and Shutdown buttons to restart the component.
    5. For information about restarting server components, see Siebel Server Administration Guide.

Use the parameter settings in Table 8 to enable data matching (deduplication) for an application object manager server component, for example, Call Center Object Manager.

Table 8.  Data Matching (Deduplication) Parameter Settings
DeDuplication Data Type
Third-party software name
This parameter is an enterprise-level parameter. The value is set when you install the Siebel application. If you do not select an option during the installation, the value is CHANGE_ME.
You can also set this parameter at the component level, for example, Call Center Object Manager, so that the component uses a value other than the enterprise setting value. This setting allows you to run different deduplication types in different object managers. The settings at the component (application) level override the enterprise-level setting.
For more information about this parameter, see Setting the Deduplication Data Type for Data Matching.
DeDuplication Enable Flag
False is the default value in the Current Value field.
Set the Current Value field to True to enable real-time data matching for the application (object manager).
Note: The DeDuplication Enable Flag is only for real-time deduplication. For batch mode, you do not need to set this parameter for Data Quality Manager. For more information about batch mode, see Batch Mode.

NOTE:  Because the data deduplication parameters are specified at the object manager level in the Siebel application, data matching (deduplication) and data cleansing can be enabled for one application and disabled for another. However, you cannot enable the Siebel Data Quality Matching Server and the Siebel Data Quality Universal Connector data matching functionality for the same application.

 Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide 
 Published: 15 May 2003