Developing and Deploying Siebel eBusiness Applications > Configuring the House and Opportunity Entities >

Configuring the Opportunity Details View

NREC will use Partner Portal's standard Opportunity Details view to allow partner agents to enter and display information about opportunities. However, many of the attributes that NREC needs to track for each opportunity are not part of the standard Siebel data model. For example, the standard data model doesn't include the number of bedrooms or bathrooms that a potential buyer may be interested in. The additional attributes are:

NREC will follow an approach similar to what they did for the Houses entity—add columns to the base table and then modify the objects at the business logic layer and user interface layer accordingly.

For detailed information about extending the database, see Siebel Tools Reference.

The high-level configuration tasks are:

Figure 19 shows a mock-up design for the Opportunity Detail View. The Opportunities Detail view is the default view for the Opportunities screen. It is a list-form view. The Opportunities List Applet is the master applet. The Opportunity Form applet is the detail applet. The mock up shows both the standard fields and the fields added for NREC.

Figure 19. Opportunity Detail View Mock Up

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 Developing and Deploying Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 18 April 2003