Siebel eEnergy Guide > Premises >

Additional End-User Procedures Related to Premises

For descriptions of other procedures related to premises, see Siebel Bookshelf.

Caller Verification

When receiving an inbound call, end users first verify and locate the caller. For more information about verifying and locating a caller, see Siebel Call Center User Guide.

Customer Accounts

When a new customer requests service from your company, end users will need to create an account for the customer. For more information about creating a customer account, see Accounts.

Sales Orders

When a customer requests a new service, end users must create a sales order. For more information about creating a sales order, see Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications.

Premises and Attachments

At any time, end users can store additional information relating to a premise in the database by associating an electronic file with the premise record. For directions for associating an attachment with a record, see Fundamentals.

Premises and Notes

At any time, end users can store additional information relating to a premise in the database by adding a note and associating it with the premise record. For directions for associating a note to a record, see Fundamentals.

 Siebel eEnergy Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003