Siebel Field Service Guide >


This chapter describes Quality Management, the Quality screen, change requests, and patch requests.

Siebel Quality supports the product development and maintenance life cycle by managing change requests, or CRs. A change request (CR) is a formal report or recommendation aimed at correcting a defect in or adding an improvement to a product. Such products can include hardware, software, manufactured goods, and capital equipment. Siebel Quality can manage multiple types of change requests, including enhancement requests and product defect reports.

Siebel Quality supports the work of the various groups that use the change management process, such as quality assurance, development engineering, and product marketing.

Siebel Quality provides tools for creating, responding to, and tracking CRs. Siebel Quality manages CRs by doing the following:

If a customer has an urgent need to resolve a CR and cannot wait for the next product release, Siebel Quality can generate a patch request, or PR. A patch request (PR) is a recommendation to create a maintenance release to implement a product defect fix or improvement.

Features of Siebel Quality

Siebel Quality operates through the Quality screen in your Siebel application. This section summarizes some features of Siebel Quality.

Quality and Release Manager

Siebel Quality is packaged with Siebel Release Manager, a tool that allows an organization to manage product development through functions such as feature tracking, engineering allocation, test plan management, and test pass management.

Together, Quality and Release Manager support the product life cycle management process from beginning to end. For more information, see Release Manager.

Best Practices

The following section provides some best practices for administering and using the Quality functionality.

 Siebel Field Service Guide 
 Published: 21 April 2003