Siebel eFinance Guide > Financial Needs Analyses > End-User Procedures >

Performing a General Needs Analysis for a Company

Needs analysis sessions for companies can be performed for the following product types:

After entering specific details in the selected Needs Analysis view, end users can prompt the application to recommend several products or services that fill the business need.

To perform a product needs analysis

  1. Navigate to the Companies screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select My Companies.
  3. In the Companies list, select a company for which to perform a needs analysis.
  4. Click the Needs Analysis view tab.
  5. From the Show drop-down list, select a type of needs analysis.
  6. In the Needs Analysis form, add a record and complete the necessary fields.
  7. To use a script to help determine values to enter, click Script.
  8. In the SmartScript list, drill down on the Name hyperlink.
  9. Complete the questions as prompted, and click Finish.
  10. (Optional) Click the Recommend button to generate a recommendation.

 Siebel eFinance Guide 
 Published: 20 October 2003