Siebel Forecasting Guide > Forecasting Setup >

Defining Forecast Series Dates (Administrator)

Forecast series dates determine when each forecast of that series occurs. Create a record in the Forecast Series Dates view for each date a forecast is to be run in that series. Forecasts typically occur according to a set pattern or frequency (for example: weekly, monthly, or quarterly) determined by the Interval and Interval Period Type fields in the Forecast Series form, and include some range of revenue records (for example, January 1 through June 30).

Forecasts can be static, with the end user almost always seeing the same range of dates, or rolling, with the end user seeing the effective date range for the forecast move each week or month. Typically, forecasts within a series involve some set amount of time, covering a range of six months or one year.

The forecast Start Date, End Date, History View Date, and History Edit Date are established using entries in the Siebel Periods table (see Using the Periods Table (Administrator)). While the Start Date and End Date provide the range of dates for active (future) forecasting, the History View Date and History Edit Date provide the range of dates for historical forecasting. The historical information allows the end user to spot trends in opportunity-, account-, or product-related revenues when creating a forecast.

To define dates for a forecast series

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Forecast Administration > Forecast Administration.
  2. In the Forecast Series list, select the forecast series for which you want to define dates.
  3. Click the Forecast Series Dates view tab.
  4. In the Forecast Series Dates list, click New.
  5. Fill in the fields, using the following table as a guide.
  6. Field Name
    Archive Date
    The Archive Date should be used only to freeze a forecast snapshot completely so that it can be pulled into the Siebel Analytics data warehouse. Once the forecast has passed the archive date, the forecast is not editable or usable and the archive date is not editable as well.
    This field can be used for comments related to the forecast.
    End Date
    The end of the date range for a selected forecast. The last date for which revenues should be pulled into the forecast.
    Forecast Date
    The date for which the forecast is being created. Typically, this is the beginning or end of some logical period. Some organizations forecast on the first of every month. Other organizations forecast at the end of each week.
    History Edit Date
    The first date for which forecast information is editable. Typically, the History Edit Date occurs a period or two before the Forecast Start Date. This allows a user to fill in actuals from the earlier period during the current forecast.
    History View Date
    The first date for which forecast information appears in the forecast. The periods between this date and the History Edit Date are read-only. This allows users to view their earlier month's performance when creating a new forecast.
    Start Date
    The beginning of the date range for a selected forecast. This is the first date for which Siebel Forecasting pulls revenue records into the forecast.

NOTE:  When you change the value in the Start Date field, the value in the End Date field is updated automatically. However, when you change the value in the End Date field, the value in the Start Date field remains the same.

TIP:  To produce multiple forecast start dates, you can copy the first record and it automatically moves the forecast date forward according to the defined interval.

 Siebel Forecasting Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003