Siebel ePharma Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > Using ePharma Handheld > Managing Samples >

Creating a Samples Order

You can request additional samples by creating a samples order using Siebel ePharma Handheld.

After synchronizing, Siebel ePharma routes the samples order to the samples administrator. The samples administrator then creates a samples transfer that is routed back to the requestor. After the requestor acknowledges receipt of the transfer, Siebel Samples Management automatically enters the new inventory into their inventory counts.

To create a samples order

  1. Navigate to the Samples Orders screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select Orders.
  3. On the toolbar, tap the New Record button.
  4. In the new record, complete the necessary fields.
  5. The application automatically sets the Order Date field to a date and time in the active period. It also automatically generates values for the Order # field, but it can be edited. You might want to edit this value to have the items appear in a particular order (other than the order in which you entered them).

    NOTE:  It is not necessary to change the Order Type field. You can include both samples and promotional items in a single order.

  6. Drill down on the Order # hyperlink.
  7. Tap the Samples Order Details list on the right to select it.
  8. On the toolbar, tap the New Record button.
  9. Complete the necessary fields for the new record.
  10. Some of the fields are described in the following table.

    Item Status
    Initially set to In Progress. The application automatically changes this field value to Submitted when you submit the transaction.
    The product to be ordered. Tap the arrow in the Sample field, choose the product from the Pick Product list, and then tap OK.
    The sample quantity that you are ordering.

  11. Repeat Step 7 and Step 8 to enter a line item for each product or promotional item you want to order.
  12. Tap Submit.
  13. NOTE:  You cannot modify or delete an order after it has been submitted.

    The values of the Status field (in the form) and the Item Status field (in the list) change to Submitted.

 Siebel ePharma Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003