Siebel ePharma Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > Application Administration >

Configuring the Distributor Name

The default name of the company appears on the Siebel Signature Capture display. You may need to change this name if, for example, there is a name change as a result of a merger between two companies.

In addition, a company may use a contract sales force to distribute some of its products. You can use the Distributor by Employee feature to customize the display to show the name of the contract distributor for the contract sales representatives and to show the name of the primary pharmaceutical company for its sales representatives.

To change the distributor name in the Siebel Signature Capture display

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View> Site Map > Application Administration > System Preferences.
  2. The System Preference Administration view appears.

  3. Find the Company Name system preference and change the value to the new company name.
  4. When the sales reps next synchronize their PDAs, the new company name is downloaded to their Siebel ePharma Handheld applications.

  5. From the application-level menu, select View > Site Map > User Administration > Employees.
  6. The Employee Administration view appears.

  7. Select the employee from the Employees list.
  8. In the More Info view, enter the account of the distributor in the External Account field. (The external account must already have been set up as an account.)
  9. If the External Account field is blank for an employee, the company name set in the System Preference Administration view, set in Step 2, is used.

  10. Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 for each employee of the distributor.

 Siebel ePharma Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003