Siebel ePharma Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > Data Filtering > Predefined Query Filters >

All Records PDQ

The All Records PDQ has special implications for Siebel Handheld users. When an All Records PDQ has been defined for a screen, the user can select it from the Favorites or Queries drop-down list in the application. This PDQ returns all records for the primary business component defined for the screen. The purpose of this query is to eliminate a potentially confusing scenario for users.

Suppose a user chooses a synchronization filter called My California Accounts that applies to the Account screen and causes only Accounts with State = CA to synchronize to the handheld application. However, during the course of the day, the handheld user creates a new Account on the device with State = NY. When the user leaves and later returns to the Accounts screen, the original PDQ (State = CA) is applied, and the new NY Account is absent from views within the screen. If the user selects the All Accounts PDQ from the Favorites drop-down list on the device, the NY Account reappears.

To avoid this kind of confusion, you should create a PDQ for each screen following this naming convention:

PDAAll_<filter name>

The query syntax should be written to return all records.

An example of the All Records PDQ:

Name: PDAAll_All Activities, Query: 'Action'.Search = "".

NOTE:  This filter only appears in the application. It is not used during synchronization and does not appear in the Set Filters dialog.

See Query by Example Filters for more information on filter naming conventions.

 Siebel ePharma Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003