Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > User Properties and Methods >

User Properties

Table 27.  User Properties
User property on a field of a business component. When set to NoFail, turns Extended Pick processing ON. See Extended Pick Processing for more information.
User property on a business component. When set to FailOnError, enables Extended Insert processing. See Extended Insert Processing for more information.
Overrides Popup Visibility Type on a business component. Use OverridePopupVisibility to change the visibility on a picklist without changing the Popup Visibility Type. See Overriding the Popup Visibility for more information.
Used with the GotoView method. Specifies the view to be displayed when navigating from one view to another. See Applet Focus Behavior for more information.

 Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003