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Configuring Summary Views

In Siebel eHealthcare, summary views have been restructured. In the past, multiple summary views existed, typically one summary view for a particular type of user. For example, there were preconfigured summary views specifically for salespeople and customer service agents. This has been replaced by common summary views whose appearance can be configured by individual end users.

Users can change the way a list appears in a summary view using the controls in the top right corner of each list. These controls, described in Table 2, allow users to manage what appears on the summary view.

Table 2.  Summary View Controls
Temporarily hides a list or form from view.
Collapses the list of records. If the list cannot be collapsed, the expand button appears instead of the collapse button.
Expands the list of records. If the list cannot be expanded, the collapse button appears instead of the expand button.

Any changes made to a summary view layout are only visible to the current user and remain in effect until that user changes them again or reverts to the default layout. If users hide a list, they must click Edit Layout to restore it. For more information, see Editing a Summary View Layout.

 Siebel eHealthcare Guide 
 Published: 04 June 2003