Siebel Interactive Selling Transact Server Interface Reference > Installing Transact Server > Configure the Application Server Environment >

The WebSphere Environment

Complete these tasks to set up the WebSphere environment for Transact Server:

  1. Create the Siebel directory.
  2. Copy the Siebel property file.
  3. Set up the WebSphere class path.
  4. Create a Web application and Servlet.
  5. Set up the LDAP password (optional).
  6. Register Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs).
  7. Create an Enterprise Application.
  8. Enable Security Permission.
  9. Set up the Transact database.
  10. Set up the LDAP user group.
  11. Set up eMail service in WebSphere.
  12. Set up the Transact Server login.

The following discussion shows you how to complete each of these tasks.

Creating the Siebel Directory

With WebSphere 3.5, you must create a directory for the new application server when you create the application server.

To create a directory for the new application server

  1. Create a new folder name called Siebel under <WebSphere root>/appserver/hosts/default_host/.
  2. The Siebel folder name is the same as your application server name.

  3. Use the same case across the entire installation because the .jsp page reference is case-sensitive.
  4. Copy the following folders to <WebSphere root>/appserver/hosts/default_host/Siebel:

Administration for Siebel Property Files

Copy Siebel.prp and Siebel_default.prp from <transact-root>/properties to <Windows root>/system32. For the UNIX platform, copy Siebel.prp and Siebel_default.prp from <transact-root>/properties to <WebSphere Root>/AppServer/bin directory.

NOTE:  Siebel does not recommend that you start WebSphere by running adminserver.bat on the Windows platform. However, if you choose to do that, you must first copy Siebel.prp and Siebel_default.prp to the directory where adminserver.bat resides.

Setting Up the WebSphere Class Path

You can set up the class path for WebSphere in two steps.

To set up the WebSphere class path

  1. Open admin.config from <WebSphere root>/appserver/bin.
  2. For path, add all Transact jar files as follows:
  3. <Transact root>/javalib/xalan.jar;

    <Transact root>/javalib/tsIBM.jar;

    <Transact root>/javalib/xerces.jar;

    <Transact root>/javalib/xml.jar;

    <Transact root>/javalib

    Alternatively, you can add the classpath through the WAS admin console. Please refer to the IBM info center link.

The following steps are based on using the default application server. To set up a different application server, change the parameters or settings accordingly. Refer to the IBM InfoCenter for more information.

Restart the WAS Admin Server and WAS Console.

Creating a Web Application

Use the IBM WAS AdminServer to create a Web application.

To create a Web application using IBM WAS AdminServer

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Create Web Application.
  2. Enter Siebel in the Web Application Name field.
  3. Click Serve Servlets by classname and then click Next.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select your server node name and select Default Server/Default Servlet Engine, and then click Next.
  6. Replace Web Application Web Path field from /webapp/Siebel to /Siebel, and then click Next.
  7. Remove "\web" at the end of Document Root field.
  8. Click Finish.

Creating a Servlet

Use the IBM WAS AdminServer to create a Servlet.

To create a servlet using IBM WAS AdminServer

  1. In the left view panel, click Default Servlet Engine under Default Server, right-click on Siebel (the Web Server created in the step above), and then select Create and Servlet.
    1. Enter SiebelTransact in the Servlet Name.
    2. Enter in the Servlet name.
    3. Click Add for Servlet Web Path List.
    4. Append SiebelTransact after "Siebel/" in the Servlet Web Path.
    5. Click OK.
  2. In the left view panel, click Default Servlet Engine under Default Server, right-click on Siebel (the Web Server created in the step above), select Create and Servlet.
    1. For LoginProcess, enter Servlet Name.
    2. Enter in the Servlet Class Name.
    3. Click Add for Servlet Web Path List.
    4. Append "LoginProcess" after "/Siebel/" in the Servlet Web Path.
    5. Click OK.
  3. In the left view panel, click Default Servlet Engine under Default Server, right-click on Siebel (the Web Server created in the step above), select Create and Servlet.
    1. Enter Logout in the Servlet Name.
    2. Enter in the Servlet Class Name.
    3. Click Add for Servlet Web Path List.
    4. Append "Logout" after "/Siebel/" in the Servlet Web Path.
    5. Click OK.

Setting Up the LDAP Password

At this point, if you are going to use an LDAP server, you need to set up an LDAP password.

To set up the LDAP password

  1. Copy the propertieseditor folder from <transact root>/jsp to <Web Server>/<docs root>.
  2. Open index.htm file. Change from "src=/common.jsp" to "src =
  3. /Siebel/propertieseditor/common.jsp."

  4. Make sure the HTTP server is up and running.
  5. Start the default application server from the console.
  6. Open a browser and enter http://<hostname>/propertieseditor/index.htm to modify the LDAP Credential from the Authentication page.
  7. Enter your LDAP password and click Submit.

Register EJBS

Before users can continue to create an application server for Transact, they must check whether or not the JDBC driver and data source are installed and set up correctly. For information on installing and setting up JDBC and data source, refer to Additional Tasks.

To create EJBs

  1. Link DataSource to the application server.
  2. Create EJBs.
  3. Enter the Java bean name (Siebel prefix is recommended).
  4. Click Browse and select tsIBM.jar from <transact root>/javalib.
  5. Click Deploy and Enable WLM.
  6. A significant amount of time is required to create all the Java beans.

  7. After the bean has been deployed, you can set up the database to enable table creation for the CMP bean from the console; or, you can perform this setup at a later time. Refer to the IBM information center document for more information.
  8. Two types of Java beans are created: CMP beans and Session beans.
  9. CMP beans are OLKeySequencer, OLSession, OLAppData, OLItem, OLQuote, OLPackage, and OLGenericElem. Usually, "create table" is checked from the default setup for all the CMP beans. However, Siebel Systems recommends that you check if "Create Table" is marked for all the CMP beans. To see the database setup, click EJB and in the right panel click "DataSource."

  10. Select OLKeySequencerHome and click the General tab from the right panel.
  11. Change the Database Access from "Shared" to "Exclusive," and then apply this change.

Creating an Enterprise Application

Use the IBM WAS AdminServer to create an Enterprise application.

To create an enterprise application using IBM WAS AdminServer

  1. Select Create Enterprise Application from the Tasks menu.
  2. Enter ISSCDA in the Enterprise Application.
  3. Select the EJBs created in the previous section.
  4. Highlight the beans, and then click Add.
  5. Select Siebel, which is the Web Server created in the previous procedure.
  6. Click Finish.

Enabling Security Permission

Use the IBM WAS AdminServer to enable security permission.

To enable security permission using IBM WAS AdminServer

  1. Enable Global Security.
    1. Use the IBM WS AdminServer to Enable Global Security.
    2. Select Configure Global Security from the Tasks menu.
    3. Select Enable Security, and then click Next.
    4. Select Basic (User ID and Password), and then click Next.
    5. Select Lightweight Third Party Authentication, and then click Next.
    6. Under User Register, provide the required information, and then click Finish.
    7. Examples of input values:

    Security ServerID: <valid user in LDAP>/Security Server

    Password: <user password>/Directory

    Type: Netscape/Host: <ldap host name>/Port:389/Base Distinguished

    Name: ou=People, o=<domain name>.

    1. Click Finish.
    2. Enter an LTPA password.
    3. Click Finish.
  2. Enable Resource Security.
  3. Select Configure Resource Security from the Tasks menu.

    1. Enterprise Beans
      • Click Enterprise Beans.
      • Select a Transact EJB, and then click Next.
      • Use the Default method.
      • Highlight all the methods from the EJB, and then click Finish.
      • Repeat to configure all the EJBs.
    2. Virtual Hosts
      • Click Virtual Hosts.
      • Select default_host, and then click Next.
      • Select a Transact servlet.
      • Use the Default method.
      • Select all methods, and then click Finish.
      • Repeat to configure for all the Transact servlets.
  4. Enable Security Permission.
  5. Select Configure Security Permission from the Tasks menu.

    1. Select ISSCDA, the Enterprise Application created in the previous procedure, and then click Next.
    2. Highlight all the methods, and then click Next.
    3. Select EveryOne to enable the security for everyone.
    4. Click Finish.

In order for these security changes to take effect, you must restart the IBM WAS AdminServer.

Set Up the Transact Database

The Transact database tables can reside in a DB2 or Oracle database instance.

DB2 Database Instance

You must alter the DB2 tables to set up the Transact database.

  1. Once the application server starts, you must run the two scripts provided that alter the Transact tables in the DB2 database.
  2. Run tsDB2.sql to update the Transact tables.
Oracle Database Instance

You must alter the Oracle tables to set up the Transact database.

  1. Once the application server starts, you must run the two scripts provided that alter the Transact tables in the Oracle database.
  2. Run tsORACLE. sql to update the Transact tables.

Setting Up the LDAP User Group

If you choose to use an LDAP server, then you must set up the LDAP user group.

To set up the LDAP user group (optional)

  1. Run setRinconPath.bat from <Transact root>/scripts for Windows platform.
  2. Copy Siebel.prp and Siebel_default.prp from <Windows root>/system32 to <Transact root>/Scripts for Windows platform.
  3. Copy Siebel.prp and Siebel_default.prp from <WebSphere Root>/AppServer/bin to <Transact root>/Scripts for UNIX platform.
  4. Default Rincon script only provides system/guest as default users. You must use Rincon_add_user.sci script to add more users.
  5. Run Rincon_setup.bat for the first time setup for the Windows platform, or run for UNIX platform.
  6. Before you can add LDAP users, you have to modify rincon_add_user.sci. (If you do not want to add new users, you can skip this step.)
  7. Run transact_setup.bat to set address and group information for users from the Windows platform, or run for UNIX platform.

Setting Up eMail Service

To set up an eMail service, you must install a package that supports Java mail.

To set up eMail Service

  1. Install any package that supports Java Mail 1.1 API.
  2. Set up the class path to reference the Java Mail Package.
  3. Open the property editor to change the email_enable_flag to "on."
  4. Restart the WebSphere server.

Setting Up the Transact Server Login

You can set up the Transact Server login in two steps.

To set up the Transact Server login

  1. Open the LoginPage.jsp from
  2. <WebSphere root>/appserver/hosts/default_host/Siebel/login. Change "action=/LoginProcess" to "action=/Siebel/LoginProcess."

  3. Modify "ShoppingCart.jsp" to update the line "<script src="http://<web host name>/<your application folder>/jd/header.js"></script>" with the correct URL.

 Siebel Interactive Selling Transact Server Interface Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003