Siebel Interactive Selling Transact Server Interface Reference > The Shopping Cart > Error Handling >

finishUp Error Handling

There are many further occasions for an error to occur after the onLoad handler is processed. That is why, after the finishUp function is called, the ShoppingCart.jsp template should check to see if any other error conditions have been raised. There are two functions which the ShoppingCartBean API provides to determine if another error has occurred. They should both be called, and an appropriate JavaScript error handling function should be called to display the error message to the user.


If the quote was deleted by another user while the page was being displayed, this ShoppingCartBean API function returns a Boolean value of true. An example of the usage of this function is shown below:

<% if (bean.getQuoteDeletedError()) { %>
<script language="JavaScript">
<% } %>


If any other error has occurred during the processing of the page, this ShoppingCartBean API function returns true. An example of this function is:

<% if (bean.getQuoteErrorCondition()) {
<script language="JavaScript">
<% }%>

 Siebel Interactive Selling Transact Server Interface Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003