Implementing Siebel eBusiness Applications on DB2 UDB for OS/390 and z/OS > Siebel Schema Installation on the DB2 Host > Performing a Standard Installation >

Performing a Standard Installation Under Windows

Perform the following steps for a standard installation under Windows.

To perform a standard installation under Windows

  1. Launch the Database Server Configuration Utility using any method described in the Siebel Server Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows.
  2. The Gateway Server Address screen appears.

  3. Enter the values for the Gateway Server Address and Enterprise Server name as you recorded them in your copy of Deployment Planning Worksheet.
  4. In the Siebel Server Directory screen, perform one of the following tasks:
  5. In the Siebel Database Server Directory screen, perform either of the following tasks:
  6. In the Database Platform screen, select the database platform you use, in this case, DB2 UDB for OS/390 and z/OS.
  7. To continue, click Next.

  8. In the Siebel Database Operation screen, select Install Database.
  9. To continue, click Next.

  10. In the Select Installation Operation screen:
  11. In the ODBC Data Source Name screen, accept the default name of the ODBC data source, SiebSrvr_Siebel, or enter the database alias you prefer to use for the data source.
  12. The database alias must have been previously registered within DB2 Connect, either by using the DB2 Client Configuration assistant or by natively registering to the DB2 Connect catalog, the Database, Node, and DCS entries.

    If you want to work with information on a different database server than the one currently pointed to, you can type in the ODBC name of that database server, as long as you previously registered it as an ODBC datasource within DB2 Connect.

    NOTE:  There can only be one database server in a Siebel Enterprise Server.

    The Siebel Server installation process automatically creates the data source, using the format SiebSrvr_enterprise_server_name

    To continue, click Next.

  13. In the Database User Name screen, indicate the following values for your database.
  14. In the Siebel Schema Qualifier screen, type the up to eight-character ID that identifies the Siebel Schema owner, for example, SIEBTO.
  15. NOTE:  This ID must be in uppercase, must start with a letter, and cannot include any special characters. This is the SQL Authorization ID stored in the CURRENT SQLID special register.

  16. In the Security Group ID screen, type the group ID to which schema access is being granted, for example, SSEROLE.
  17. For more information about the group authorization ID privileges, see Security.

    To continue, click Next.

  18. In the Select Installation Type screen, select the appropriate type of installation; for example, to perform a standard installation, select Standard Install.
  19. In the Select Installation Mechanism screen, indicate which installation mechanism you want to use.
  20. In the DDL Output Directory screen, select the directory in which you want to store the generated DDL.
  21. In the Encoding Scheme screen, indicate whether your DB2 subsystem is ASCII or EBCDIC. For more information about choosing the code page for your subsystem, see Preparing for Implementation on the DB2 Host.
  22. In the Siebel Schema Layout screen, select one of the following layout options.
  23. In the Storage Group for Table Spaces screen, indicate the values for the following parameters.
  24. In the 4-KB Buffer Pool Name screen, indicate the values for the following parameters.
  25. In the 32-KB Buffer Pool Name screen, indicate the values for the following parameters.
  26. In the Database Name Prefix screen, type the prefix for your database name. The default is SIEBDB.
  27. This prefix consists of up to six of the first characters in the names of your 18-22 logical Siebel Databases. This prefix must start with a letter and cannot contain any special characters. All database names end in numbers except for TM, which is used as a temporary database during an upgrade.

    To continue, click Next.

  28. In the Log Output Directory screen, indicate the directory where you want the log files to be generated.
  29. In the Configuration Parameter Review screen, review the configuration values you entered on the previous Configuration Utility screens:
  30. To apply the configuration now, press "OK".
    To apply the configuration later, press "Cancel".
    The command line to apply the configuration later is C:\sea704\siebsrvr\bin\siebupg \m master_install_mf.ucf

    NOTE:  The last line in the prompt is generated dynamically and can vary based on the location of your Siebel Server installation.

    If a program or system error occurs and you need to rerun the Siebel Upgrade Wizard, you can do so, starting from the command line at the point at which the wizard failed, by navigating to \siebsrvr\bin and entering:

    siebupg \m master_install_mf.ucf

    Click OK.

  31. When the Database Server Configuration Utility displays the items it will execute or import, click OK to start generating DDL.
  32. This step completes the installation option Run DDL Automatically.

    If in Step 13 you chose the installation option Generate DDL Into Files, the utility displays the following message after it generates the schema.sql file that contains the DDL to create the Siebel Schema:

    Please create Siebel Schema using schema.sql and ddlview.sql located in the DDL Output Directory. Once the views are created, please select Yes. To stop now and continue installation later please select No. (To resume at a later time, please start the Upgrade Wizard from the command line using option /m master_install_mf.ucf).

  33. Indicate the following:
  34. Transfer schema.sql and ddlview.sql to OS/390 and have your DBA apply them to create the Siebel Schema.
  35. For information on how the DBA applies the DDL on the DB2 host, see Applying DDL on the DB2 Host.

  36. If you performed a manual install, validate that all tables and indexes are present in the logical schema. For information, refer to the information in Validating Siebel Schema Creation.
  37. Indicate which action you want to take:

When you have successfully completed the step of populating the seed data, you are ready to import the Siebel Repository.

TIP:  To preserve a record of the values you entered, locate and print the file named master_install_mf.ucf in the binary subdirectory of your Siebel Server installation directory.

The following files are generated by the installation into the default output directory (DBSRVR_ROOT \db2390\dboutput\install) or into the output directory that you designated in Step 14.

 Implementing Siebel eBusiness Applications on DB2 UDB for OS/390 and z/OS 
 Published: 18 April 2003