Siebel eInsurance Guide > Call Reports > Administrator Procedures >

Viewing Call Report Charts

As a manager or Siebel administrator, you can use the Call Report Charts view for call volume analysis of your own calls, your team's calls, or all call reports in Siebel eInsurance. Using this view, you can analyze call volume and call types by employee and by customer to determine which clients are receiving the most service.

To view a chart for your call reports

  1. Navigate to the Call Reports screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select one of the following:
  3. Click the Charts view tab.
  4. The chart reflects only those call report records which are currently selected; that is, those records listed in the Call Reports list above the chart.

  5. From the lower Show drop-down list, select one of the following chart types:
  6. Chart
    Call Type Analysis
    A breakdown of all selected call reports by Call Type.
    Call Volume Analysis
    Charts the number of calls per month, quarter, or year.
    Call Volume by Employee
    Charts the number of calls per month, quarter, or year, per employee.
    Company Calling Analysis
    Charts the number of calls per company.
    Employee Calling Analysis
    Charts the number of calls per company, by employee.

    NOTE:  Place your cursor over any chart segment to reveal additional information about that segment. Click a segment to drill down and refocus on just the call reports in that segment.

 Siebel eInsurance Guide 
 Published: 04 June 2003