Siebel eInsurance Guide > Life & Annuities > Administrator Procedures >

Administering Assessment Templates

There are three types of assessment templates that are administered by sales administrators:

Each template is a collection of questions designed to obtain information needed to rate, reinstate, or underwrite a policy. They are all administered in the Sales Assistant Administration screen's Sales Assessment Templates view. For more information, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

To administer an assessment template

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Siebel Assistant Administration > Sales Assessment Templates.
  2. In the Assessment Templates list, add a record.
  3. In the Assessment Templates list, select an assessment template and scroll down to the Assessment Attributes list.
  4. In the Assessment Attributes list, add a record and complete the necessary fields.
  5. In the Attribute Values list, add a record and complete the necessary fields.
    1. In the Value field, add a possible answer (such as Yes or No) to the question defined in the Assessment Attributes list.
    2. In the Score field, add a numeric value that represents how important that answer is to the assessment.
    3. NOTE:  You need to add one record for each potential answer to the question created in the Assessment Attributes list. For example, if a question requires a yes or no answer, you will need two Attribute Values records, one with a value of Yes and one with a value of No.

 Siebel eInsurance Guide 
 Published: 04 June 2003