A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W



about page

override the default about page, specifying URL   1

about.htm file

described   1

information contained in file, function to display   1

AddToCart function, usage, syntax and example   1

alert messages, defining text string   1 ,  2

APP_ABOUT_URL variable, described   1

APP_ABOUT_WIN_ARGS variable, described

about file   1

APP_AUTO_LOAD_RESULTS variable, described   1

app_config.js file

optional values, described   1 ,  2

required variables   1 ,  2

APP_CONFIG_LOADED variable, described   1

APP_DATA_VERSION variable, described   1

APP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT variable, described   1

APP_EXC_DISPLAY_NUM variable, described   1

APP_HELP_URL variable, described   1

APP_HELP_WIN_ARGS variable, described   1

APP_PRECONFIG_EQUALS_CHAR variable, described   1

APP_PRECONFIG_SEP_CHAR variable, described   1

APP_RELOAD_ALL variable, described   1

APP_RELOAD_INPUTS_ON_EXC variable, described   1

APP_SHOW_CALC_PAGE variable, described   1

APP_SHOW_DATA_LOADING_PAGE variable, described   1

APP_VERSION variable, described   1

Application Configuration file

optional values, described   1

required variables, table of   1

Application UI Definition file   1

ol_ui.htm file, described   1

user interface frameset name, function to register   1

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blank frame, defined by html file   1

browser-based application

See also AddToSSCart

appearance, files that define   1 ,  2

behavior, file that determines   1

Contents List, function to redefine display of   1

Contents List, function to register display of   1

Flyover frame, defined by html file   1

HTML frameset layout, defined by html file   1

loading, specifying actions that occur   1

out of date item, function to check version   1

pageset, specifying message when loading   1

pageset, specifying whether message appears when loading   1

refresh after input/output widget, function to   1

reopening out of date item, function to   1

reserved words, described and table of   1 ,  2

top-level directory, function to return path   1

version number, defining   1

welcome.htm file, described   1

browser-based application base directory

files, content of   1

browser-based application module registry

jd directory   1

browsers, specifying support of   1


image output target, creating   1

link output target, creating   1

optional subconfiguration link output target, creating   1

output target, adding to display page   1

output target, identifying content sources   1

subconfiguration link output target, creating   1

text output target, creating   1

usage and syntax   1


check box input widget, creating   1

image map input widget, creating   1

input widget, adding to display page   1

list box input widget, creating   1

radio button input widget, creating   1

text entry input widget, creating   1

usage and syntax   1

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callout point functions

adding custom behavior example   1

ClearAllOverrideFunction, usage, syntax, and example   1

ClearOverrideFunction, usage, syntax, and example   1

COP_AppDataVersionCheck, usage, syntax, and example   1

COP_BeforeConfiguration   1

COP_InvalidItemAdded   1 ,  2

COP_ValidiItemAdded   1

described and code location   1

InitApp   1

OverrideFunction, usage, syntax, and example   1

ClearAllOverrideFunctions, usage, syntax, and example   1

ClearOverrideFunction, usage, syntax, and example   1

ConfigTable_Obj, usage, methods, and example   1

ConfigTableArray_Obj, usage, methods, and example   1

Configuration table

ConfigTable object, usage, methods, and example   1

ConfigTableArray object, used to store an array   1


COP_ValidItemAdded, adding to order   1

invalid item, function called   1

Contents List

See also RegisterContentsListFrame

cascading style sheet, defining appearance   1

data, updating   1

image files, used in   1

Contents List, customizing

See also RegisterContentsListFrame

RegisterContentsListFrame function   1

SetContentsListFrame function   1

ShowContentsList function   1

ConvertFloatToCurrency function, usage, syntax, and example   1

ConvertStrToDynDefObj function, usage, syntax, and example   1

COP_AppDataVersionCheck function, usage, syntax, and example   1

COP_BeforeConfiguration function, usage, syntax, and example   1

COP_InvalidItemAdded function, usage, syntax, and example   1

COP_PagesetVersionCheck function, usage, syntax, and example   1

COP_ValidItemAdded function, usage, syntax, and example   1

cs directory

file system path, function to return path   1

currency format, function to display   1

custom directory

callout point code, located in   1

file system path, function to return   1

files contained in   1

customCode.js file, described and example   1

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data access functions

GetCurrInstance, usage and syntax   1

GetFeatureData, usage and syntax   1

GetInputState, usage and syntax   1

GetInputValue, usage, syntax, and example   1

GetResultsValue, usage, syntax, and example   1

RegisterUIElement, usage, syntax, and example   1

SetInputValue, usage, syntax, and example   1

data objects

ConfigTable_Obj, usage, methods, and example   1

ConfigTableArray_Obj, usage, methods, and example   1

FeatureTable_Obj, usage, notes, methods, and example   1

FeatureTableArray_Obj, usage, methods, and example   1

InputState_Obj, usage, methods, and example   1

Label_Obj, usage, syntax, and methods   1

Label_Obj.GetLabelName, usage and syntax   1

Label_Obj.GetNumLabels, u sage and syntax   1

display pages

changing from subconfigurated system, function to   1

frames, defining display of   1

input widget, adding   1 ,  2

loading into specific frame, function to   1

output widget, adding   1 ,  2

Do   1

Document Object Model, determining path to particular frame   1

ds directory

about and contents   1

file system path, returning value   1

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eAdvisor, reserved words, described and table of   1 ,  2

eCatalog, reserved words, described and table of   1 ,  2

eConfiguration, handing off a product   1

eConfigurator, reserved words, described and table of   1 ,  2


behavior, adding with callout point   1

custom input widget, creating   1

output target, creating custom   1

pageset layout, defining   1

exception messages

frames, defining display of   1

function defining display frame   1

input widget reload, defining   1

maximum number displayed, defining   1

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Feature table

FeatureTable object, usage, notes, methods, and example   1

FeatureTableArray, storing an array   1

GetNumLabels, returning number of rows   1

index, returning for current selection   1

Label_Obj, providing access to data   1

Label_Obj.GetLabelName, using to return value   1

FeatureTable_Obj, usage, notes, methods, and example   1

FeatureTableArray_Obj, usage, methods, and example   1

Flyover frame, defined by html file   1

FrameToOLString function, usage, syntax, and example   1

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GetCDAEntryArgs() function, usage, syntax, and example   1

GetCSPath function, usage, syntax, and example   1

GetCurrInstance function, usage and syntax   1

GetCustomPath function, usage, syntax, and example   1

GetDSPath function, usage, syntax, and example   1

GetFeatureData function, usage and syntax   1

GetInputState function, usage and syntax   1

GetInputValue function, usage, syntax, and example   1

GetMyPrice function, usage, syntax, and example   1

GetPGPath function, usage, syntax, and example   1

GetResultsValue function, usage, syntax, and example   1

GetTopPath function, usage, syntax, and example   1

GetUIPath function, usage, syntax, and example   1

GotoProductDetailView function, usage, syntax, and example   1

GotoSSConfigurator function, usage, syntax, and example   1

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override the default Help page, specifying URL   1

window, setting properties of   1


frameset, defined by htm file   1

help.gif, described   1

help_*.htm, default help text   1

helpset.htm file, function displaying information in file   1

home.htm file, described   1


display pages, directory used to store   1

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help.gif, default images   1

PICT BuildTarget function argument, creating output target   1 ,  2

transparent vertical and horizontal space, defined by gif   1

InitAltOMSUrl function, described   1

InitApp function, usage, syntax, and example   1

InitApp, about   1

InitPagesetDesc function, described   1

InitPagesetItemized function, described   1

InitPagesetVersion function, described   1

input state

GetInputState function, usage and syntax   1

GetInputValue function, usage, syntax, and example   1

input widget

check box, creating   1

display page, adding to   1 ,  2

example, creating custom   1 ,  2

image map, creating   1 ,  2

list box, creating   1 ,  2

radio buttons, creating   1 ,  2

text entry, creating   1

InputState_Obj, usage, methods, and example   1

Interactive Designer, reserved words, described and table of   1 ,  2

intl.js, defining text string inside file   1 ,  2

ISSCDA_DEFAULT_CALC_PAGE_STR variable, described   1

ISSCDA_DEFAULT_DATA_LOAD_STR variable, described   1

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JavaScript, reserved words, table of   1

jd directory

described   1

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kernel.htm file, described   1

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Label_Obj, usage, syntax, and methods   1

Label_Obj.GetLabelName, usage and syntax   1

Label_Obj.GetNumLabels, usage and syntax   1

LinkToSubConfig function, usage, syntax, and example   1

LoadFile function, usage, syntax, and example   1

LoadPageset function, usage, syntax, and example   1

LoadPagesetWithDynDefObj function

argument string, function to convert for use by   1

LoadPagesetWithDynDefObj function, usage, syntax, and example   1

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mainArea, nested frames defined by HTML file   1

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nf_white.htm, described   1

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ol_fly.htm file, described   1

ol_ui.htm file, described   1

onl_boot.htm file, described   1

onlink.css, described   1

order management systems, file specifying URL   1

order total, specifying string that initializes   1

ORDER_CONFIG_LOADED variable, described   1

ORDER_SUBVAR variable, described   1

organization of guide   1

output targets

See also BuildTarget

custom, creating button example   1

numbers in currency format, function described   1

variable defines reloading display pages   1

variable enabling automating loading   1

output widget, adding to display page   1 ,  2

OverrideFunctions, usage, syntax, and example   1

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pages, defining when to reload page   1


display pages into frames, mapping function   1

layout, defining user interface example   1 ,  2

linkback string, function using to load   1

loading dynamic default object, function to   1

message, specifying if appears when loading   1

message, specifying when loading   1

Pageset UI Definition file, associating with   1

pageset-level custom function, resetting   1

sending user to another pageset, function to   1 ,  2

text description, file specifying   1

version number string, file specifying   1

pageset function

BuildTarget, identifying content sources for output targets   1 ,  2

BuildTarget, image output target, creating   1 ,  2

BuildTarget, link output target, creating   1 ,  2

BuildTarget, optional subconfiguration link output target, creating   1 ,  2

BuildTarget, subconfiguration link output target, creating   1 ,  2

BuildTarget, text output target, creating   1 ,  2

BuildTarget, usage and syntax   1 ,  2

BuildWidget, creating check box input widget   1

BuildWidget, creating image map input widget   1 ,  2

BuildWidget, creating list box input widget   1 ,  2

BuildWidget, creating radio button input widget   1 ,  2

BuildWidget, creating text entry input widget   1

BuildWidget, usage and example   1

Pageset Properties file, described   1

Pageset UI   1

Pageset UI Definition files

See also Files in the pg Directory

pageset, associating with   1

pageset UI definition frameset, identifying file   1 ,  2 ,  3

Pageset UI Registry

See also Files in the pg Directory

display pages into frames, mapping function   1

engine results, function used to identify loading display pages   1

pageset UI definition frameset, identifying file   1 ,  2 ,  3

pagesetID_i.htm file. described   1

pagesetID_1.htm file

described   1

display page, adding input widget   1

display page, adding output widget   1

pagesetID_i.htm file. described   1

pagesetID_x.js, described   1

pg directory

display pages, defining which frames display   1

exception messages, defining which frames display   1

file system path, function to return   1

Pageset UI Definition file, associating with a pageset   1

pagesetID_1.htm file   1 ,  2

pagesetID_i.htm file   1

pl_bullet.gif, described   1

price, displaying final price function described   1

prodlistdata.htm file, described   1


adding order/quote, function described   1

displaying final price, function described   1

instance name, getting   1

product components, file specifying subitems or main line items   1

product id

opening detail view, function described   1

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radio buttons

graphic, creating input widget example   1 ,  2

input widgets, creating   1 ,  2

RegisterCascade function, usage, syntax, and example   1

RegisterContentsListFrame function

identifying frame displaying Contents List   1

usage, syntax, and example   1

RegisterExceptionFrames function

identifying frame loading exception message   1


usage, syntax, and example   1

RegisterFrameSet function, usage, syntax, and example   1

RegisterMVar function, usage, syntax, and example   1

RegisterPageLocation function

identifying frame display page loads   1

usage, syntax, and example   1

RegisterPriorityPages function, usage, syntax, and example   1

RegisterUI function, usage, syntax, and example   1

RegisterUIElement function, usage, syntax, and example   1

reserved words

Interactive Designer/browser-based applications, described   1

Interactive Designer/browser-based applications, table of   1 ,  2

JavaScript, table of   1

resetting, returning to the original state   1

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SetContentsListFrame function, usage, syntax, and example   1

SetInputValue function, usage, syntax, and example   1

ShowAbout function, usage, syntax, and example   1

ShowCDA function

last argument array, function used to return   1

usage, syntax, and example   1

ShowContentsList function, usage, syntax, and example   1

ShowHelp function, usage, syntax, and example   1

Siebel Application Integration functions

AddToCart, usage, syntax and example   1

GetCDAEntryArgs(), usage, syntax, and example   1

GetMyPrice, usage, syntax, and example   1

GotoProductDetailView, usage, syntax, and example   1

GotoSSConfigurator, usage, syntax, and example   1

ShowCDA, usage, syntax, and example   1

subitem subtotal, specifying string that initializes tracking   1

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text entry input widgets, creating   1

trans.gif, described   1

Transact Server

window, setting properties   1

Transact Server, defining URL   1

TRANSACT_ACTIVE variable, described

browser-based application   1

TRANSACT_CART_TARGET variable, described   1

TRANSACT_CART_WINARGS variable, described   1

TRANSACT_CONFIG_LOADED variable, described   1

TRANSACT_NOT_ACTIVE_MSSG variable, described   1

TRANSACT_OPEN_QUOTE_PROMPT variable, described   1

TRANSACT_THIRD_PARTY_CART variable, described

Transact Server   1

TRANSACT_URL variable, described   1

transparent space, defined by gif   1

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ui directory

described   1

file system path, function to return   1

utility functions

ConvertFloatToCurrency, usage, syntax, and example   1

ConvertStrToDynDefObj, usage, syntax, and example   1

FrameToOLString, usage, syntax, and example   1

GetCSPath, usage, syntax, and example   1

GetCustomPath, usage, syntax, and example   1

GetDSPath, usage, syntax, and example   1

GetPGPath, usage, syntax, and example   1

GetTopPath, usage, syntax, and example   1

GetUIPath, usage, syntax, and example   1

RegisterUI, usage, syntax, and example   1

ShowAbout, usage, syntax, and example   1

ShowHelp, usage, syntax, and example   1

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version number

browser-based application, defining   1

version number, defining for features and configuration data   1

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welcome.htm file, described   1

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 Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003