Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference > Pageset Functions > BuildTarget >

Image Output Targets

When the value for the type argument for the BuildTarget function is PICT, an image output target is created. The image output target also uses optional Width and Height arguments.

The syntax used to create an image output target is:


Column in a Configuration table or Feature table that contains the name of an image file.
Optional. Specifies the width of the image, in pixels.
Optional. Specifies the height of the image, in pixels.

Argument Notes


The following sample code creates an image output target that displays the file listed in the IMG column of a Configuration table:


document.write(ISS.BuildTarget("PICT", window,"IMG"));


When the user selections match a valid configuration, the value in the IMG column is returned. This value is the name of the image file that appears in the output target.

 Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003