Siebel Interactive Designer Administration Guide > Referencing Other Siebel Data > Runtime Access to Your Pricing Information >

About Modifying the Application Configuration File

Browser-based applications provide pricing information by resolving the relevant context-specific information to provide personalized prices. If the context-specific information exists in multiple variables during a session, certain variables have priority over others. To resolve variable values, at runtime the application executes the following algorithm:

For information on the quote and order variables you can set in the Siebel application CFG file, refer to the Browser-Based Application File Reference chapter in Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference.

In your Siebel application CFG file, you can also set the ISSCDAGetMyPriceFields variable to specify the field names to be returned to the GetMyPrice function. These fields will appear in the Description field in the browser at runtime. These fields must be included in the profile attributes for the ISSCDA Get My Price virtual business component.

For more information on the Siebel application configuration variables, refer to the Browser-Based Application File Reference chapter in Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference.

 Siebel Interactive Designer Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003