Siebel Life Sciences Guide > Administering and Managing Accounts > End-User Procedures >

Adding Subaccounts

Some accounts may have child accounts or subaccounts; for example, a hospital can have several departments or clinics. End users can add subaccounts for existing accounts using the Sub Accounts view. End users can also use this view to indicate affiliations between contacts and subaccounts.

Once a user has created a subaccount, it can be viewed and modified in any of the views in the Accounts screen. All accounts—parent accounts and child subaccounts—exist as separate accounts in the system. In the Account Explorer view, however, a subaccount appears under its parent, reflecting the hierarchical relationship between the two.

Table 10 describes how parent and subaccount team membership affect account data access. Users assigned to a parent account team but not to a subaccount team, only have partial access to subaccount data. In contrast, users assigned to a subaccount team but not to the parent account team, have no access to the parent account except to the account name.

Table 10.  Access to Account and Subaccount Data
Assigned Only to Parent Account's Team
Assigned Only to
Subaccount's Team
Access to
Parent Account Data
Full access
Partial access, account name only
Access to
Subaccount Data
Partial access
Full access

NOTE:  Do not use the Account Sub Accounts view to indicate affiliations between independent accounts, such as a hospital and a referring clinic. For more information on establishing this type of association, see Indicating Affiliations Between Accounts.

To add a subaccount

  1. Navigate to the Accounts screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select My Accounts.
  3. In the Accounts list, select an account.
  4. NOTE:  When selecting the account, do not click a hyperlink (underlined field). Doing so takes you to another view.

  5. Click the Sub Accounts view tab.
  6. In the Sub Accounts list, add a record and complete the necessary fields.

Some of the fields in a Sub Accounts record are described in Table 11.

Table 11.  Some of the Fields in a Subaccounts Record
Account Team
Multiple people can be assigned to the account's team. The team member who created the record is indicated as primary.
Name of the subaccount.
A unique location identifier that distinguishes this account from any other accounts with the same name. For example, enter a city or county name in this field to uniquely identify a hospital.

NOTE:  To enter detailed data for a subaccount (such as activities and best times to call), drill down on the Name field and complete the fields in the various views in the Account Profile view.

To indicate an affiliation between a contact and a subaccount

  1. Navigate to the Accounts screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select My Accounts.
  3. In the Accounts list, select an account.
  4. NOTE:  When selecting the account, do not click a hyperlink (underlined field). Doing so takes you to another view.

  5. Click the Sub Accounts view tab.
  6. In the Sub Accounts list, select a subaccount.
  7. Scroll down to the Contact Affiliations list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.
  8. Some of the fields in a Contact Affiliations record are described in the following table.

    If a check mark appears in this field, profile data for the contact is routed to members of the teams assigned to the affiliated account.
    If no check mark appears in this field, the profile data is routed only to the members of the team assigned to the contact. (Users who are connected to the server see the profile data regardless of whether a check mark appears in the field or not.)
    Last Name
    The contact affiliated with this subaccount.
    Reflects the contact's relative importance within the subaccount.

 Siebel Life Sciences Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003