Siebel Marketing Guide > Creating Measures > Aggregation and Restrictions for Custom Measures >

Adding an Aggregation Function

The custom measure Aggregation view displays information about the selected custom measure in the form at the top. The Minor Aggregation list expands to display Attribute Hierarchies and Buckets belonging to the measure's customer hierarchy. By selecting a Bucket or Attribute Hierarchy value, you specify how the record-level data should be aggregated (for example, Average by Month, Quarter, or Year).

NOTE:  Whenever you modify a custom measure expression, save it first before beginning aggregation.

To apply aggregation to the custom measure

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Marketing Administration > Measures.
  2. In the All Measures list, select the custom measure, and drill down on the measure name.
  3. Click the Aggregation view tab.
  4. In the Minor Aggregation list, expand the folders to display Attribute Hierarchy and Bucket values.
  5. Select the desired attribute or bucket value check box.
  6. Selected values have a check mark. To discard a selected item, select it again to remove the check mark.

    NOTE:  You cannot select multiple levels within the same attribute hierarchy, however, you can select values from different hierarchies, for example, Yearly and Region.

  7. Save the record to commit the aggregation.

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003