Siebel Marketing Guide > Launching Programs and Campaigns >

Stopping and Resuming or Restarting a Email Campaign

An email campaign can be stopped (suspended) and then resumed or restarted. To perform these actions, you need to enable email recipient logging using the Enable Campaign progress tracking check box in the Campaigns Screen. When you enable campaign progress tracking, the Done check box is checked in the Campaign Contacts/Prospects view for all contacts and prospects if the system tried to send an email offer. For example, if a recipient's email address is invalid, the offer would not be received but the Done check box would be checked.

After you enable campaign progress tracking, you can launch the email campaign. After launch, one or more requests are created and submitted to Communications Server. The number submitted depends on the number of people allocated to each wave and the system settings in Communications Server and your email server.

To stop and resume or restart a campaign

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Campaigns > My Campaign Plans.
  2. Click the Status view tab.
  3. In the Status list, drill down on the Campaign Name hyperlink for the campaign you want to monitor.
  4. Click the Email Status tab and click the appropriate button.
  5. When you click the Stop, Resume, or Restart buttons, a confirmation dialog box appears. If you click OK, another message appears explaining what actions were taken. If you click Cancel, the system will not stop, resume, or restart the selected campaign.

    Click Stop to suspend the email campaign. This action cancels pending requests on the Communications Server that have not been executed. An email campaign can have many requests that are pending or in progress in the Communications Server. If all the requests are executing when you click Stop, the email campaign cannot be stopped.
    Click Resume to sent email requests that were not sent (cancelled) when you clicked Stop. Communication Server requests that were cancelled will be cleared and replaced by a new request. When you click Resume, only contacts and prospects without a check in their Done check box will be sent the email offer. You cannot resume a queued request without stopping it first.
    Click Restart to contact all contacts and prospects in the Campaign again, even if they were sent the email before you clicked Stop. When you click Restart, the Campaign's contact history is overwritten and will reflect the result of the latest launch. You cannot restart a queued request without stopping it first.

The following scenarios describe changing campaign wave information after launching a campaign:

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003