Siebel Marketing Guide > Launching Programs and Campaigns > Using the Schedule Calendar View >

Scheduling a Program Execution

Use the following procedure to schedule marketing programs for automatic execution.

To schedule a program execution

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Programs > My Program Plans.
  2. In the Program Plans list, select the program and click the Schedule view tab.
  3. In the Calendar view, click the calendar icon within the day that the program will start.
  4. In the calendar form, complete the fields using the following table as a guide.
  5. Field
    Required. The Type field displays Marketing Program as the default. If Marketing Program does not appear in the field, select it from the list.
    Planned Start
    The default value in this field is the program start date. Click the calendar select button, use calendar controls to set the start date and time for program execution.
    Planned Completion
    The default value in this field is the program's end date. Click the calendar select button, use the calendar controls to set the date and time.
    This field automatically displays the previously added program description. Type additional information if desired.
    If the program is repeating, click the calendar select button, use the calendar controls to select a date.
    If the program is repeating, choose the repeat cycle from the list. Options are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly.
    Type additional information about the program schedule, if desired.

  6. Click Save This One when you are ready to save the schedule.
  7. The program name and launch time appear in the Schedule calendar. The calendar also reflects any recurrence of the program.

  8. In the Program form, click Activate Schedule to queue the program for execution.
  9. Click OK in the message dialog box to confirm the start date and time. This submits a server request to run the Program Execution workflow process on the first calendar occurrence.

    CAUTION:  Do not schedule concurrent program executions. If you click the Activate Schedule button twice, and ignore the caution message about double-scheduling a program, two server process requests will be generated, resulting in snapshot conflicts.

To edit the schedule

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Programs > My Program Plans.
  2. In the Program Plans list, select the program and click the Schedule view tab.
  3. In the Schedule's calendar, drill down on the program name link.
  4. In the Schedule form, make changes and click Save This One.
  5. Click Activate Schedule.
  6. NOTE:  To perform this task, you must be assigned to the Marketing Administration access group. If you are not part of this access group, the Activate Schedule button will be unavailable.

To delete a schedule

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Programs > My Program Plans.
  2. In the Program Plans list, select the program and click the Schedule view tab.
  3. In the Schedule's calendar, drill down on the program name link to open the Schedule form.
  4. Click the menu button and choose Delete This One.
  5. If the program repeats over time, you will be asked if you want to delete a single instance or every repeating instance.

  6. Choose the appropriate answer and click OK.
  7. In recurring programs, if an occurrence is deleted, subsequent occurrences are deleted.

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003