Siebel Marketing Guide > List Management > Importing and Managing External Lists >

Importing Campaign and Response Data

List Import can be used to import campaign and Response Data about contacts and prospects. For example, your company might run a campaign against a target list of contacts, but collect the responses in an external system or through an outside service company. You can import the response results from these sources and attribute the responses to the original campaign.

The List Import view provides the following additional actions that you can use to include response and campaign data in the file:

Campaign and response data will not be created unless you select one of these additional actions, even if you mapped response or campaign fields. If you do not select an additional action, the import utility ignores response and campaign columns and only creates a list of contacts and prospects.

Mapping Response and Campaign Fields

The List Import view includes the following response and campaign fields for mapping import data:

Response fields. Fields are Response Description (required), Response Type (required), Response Method, Response Status, Response Date, Response Score, Offer Name (required), Offer Code, and Offer Language.

Campaign fields. Fields are Campaign Name (required) and Campaign Source Code.

When mapping, response and campaign fields, be sure to map all the fields required to create a response in the application. The import provides some default values if the user does not include all the required fields.

If you enable the response business service that performs automatic lookups for Campaign Source Code and Offer Code, you can map the Campaign Source Code and Offer Code fields as an alternative to Campaign Name and Offer Name. In this case, the import utility performs the lookup and default to the related Campaign Name and Offer Name automatically. For more information, see Using Response Management.

NOTE:  The Campaign Source Code field in the List Import mappings indicates the source code value assigned individually to each Campaign Contact and Prospect. It does not refer to the Source Code field in the Campaign record (the field displayed on the Campaign form).

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003