Siebel Marketing Guide > Planning and Budgeting for Marketing > Creating a Marketing Plan >

Recalculating a Marketing Plan

When you recalculate a marketing plan, the application automatically refreshes the totals for the forecast and actual expenses and revenues from all the contributing product areas. The application notifies you when the recalculation is complete and the updated forecast and actual values appear in the marketing plan views.

If a marketing plan has subplans, the application automatically includes the subplans' forecast and actual totals in its calculation. The recalculation also automatically refreshes any campaign plan forecasts and actuals as part of the update.

You can update your marketing plan forecast and actual expenses and revenues at any time. For a description of the elements that are included in the calculation, see Table 67 and Table 68.

CAUTION:  Closing the browser window before the recalculate is completed will abort the "recalculate" with incomplete results. Be sure to wait until the completion summary window appears before existing the browser.

You can reschedule the recalculate functionality to run automatically by including the rollup business service in a workflow process. This is particularly useful for keeping the recalculated totals coordinated with ETL processes which populate a Data Warehouse for Campaign Analysis. The name of business service that can be used for this purpose is Marketing Plan Recalculation.

To calculate forecast and actual expenses for the marketing plan

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Marketing Plans.
  2. In the Marketing Plans list, select the marketing plan and click Recalculate.

To assign a budget to marketing plan tactics

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Marketing Plans.
  2. In the Marketing Plans list, query for the appropriate marketing plan.
  3. Click the Plan Tactics view tab and verify that you have associated your targeted programs, events, and standalone campaigns.
  4. For information on associating plan tactics, see Associating Marketing Plan Tactics With the Marketing Plan.

  5. Click the Budget view tab.
  6. Type the approved budget amount in the Assigned Budget column.
  7. If the you developed forecast values, you can verify the plan is within budget by comparing your assigned budget to the forecast expenses.

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003